B4XCheckInternetLM B4AB4IB4J
To test if an Internet connection is active
@LucaMs · 2021-08-22v1.1
Dialogs2 B4A
Synchronous and asynchronous versions of various dialogs
@agraham · 2021-08-19v1.2
RangeDownloader B4AB4IB4J
Resumable downloads based on http range feature
@Erel · 2021-08-15v1.01
SQLSearchView B4AB4IB4J
SQLite based Search View for large collections
@Erel · 2021-08-15v1.01
SD_DiscTimePicker B4AB4I
Disc Time Picker
@Star-Dust · 2021-08-03v0.07Add DiskPicker custimized
KeyValueStore B4AB4IB4J
Simple and powerful key / value data store
@Erel · 2021-07-21v2.31
B4XPages B4AB4IB4J
Cross platform and simple framework for managing multiple pages
@Erel · 2021-07-13v1.11
Cross platform tree view based on CLV
@Erel · 2021-07-13v1.01
DL YouTube B4AB4IB4J
Direct Youtube Link
@MarcoRome · 2021-06-23v1.22
MetroUI_TextView B4AB4I
TextView Component
@Ertan · 2021-06-23v3.3Fixed encryption issue on number keyboard.
OldGoogleConsent B4A
Deprecated Google Consent Manager that can be used with FirebaseAdmob2
@Erel · 2021-06-22v1
SQLite related utility methods
@Erel · 2021-06-18v2.11
FBAudienceNetwork B4A
Facebook Ads
@Pendrush · 2021-06-11v6.5
Cross platform 2d game engine
@Erel · 2021-06-02v2
RootBeer B4A
Root checker library
@Pendrush · 2021-05-31v0.1
B4XCodeProxyConnector B4A
This library enables you to connect to any Proxy server and DNS server
@sfsameer · 2021-05-25v2
PlistParser B4AB4IB4J
Parser for Apple''s plist files (class)
@Erel · 2021-05-23v1
AH_CheckInternet B4A
You can get a lot of information about the user network.
@Alireza Hassanzadeh · 2021-05-23v1.5Release.
AH_TakeScreenShot B4A
To take Screen Shot from an activity
@Alireza Hassanzadeh · 2021-05-23v1Release.
AH_ActivityScreenShot B4A
Disable or enable screenshots
@Alireza Hassanzadeh · 2021-05-23v1Release.