XUI 3D Viewer
@Star-Dust · 2023-08-19v0.28
xChart B4AB4IB4J
b4xlib CustomView to draw charts, full version
@klaus · 2023-08-05v9.8
AS_BottomDatePicker B4AB4IB4J
AS_DatePicker + AS_DraggableBottomCard
@Alexander Stolte · 2023-07-28v1.01
AS_DraggableBottomCard B4AB4IB4J
bottom drag card
@Alexander Stolte · 2023-07-27v1.13
Xml2Map B4AB4IB4J
The simple way to parse or generate XML documents
@Erel · 2023-07-16v1.01
SD_LiquidProgress B4AB4IB4J
@Star-Dust · 2023-07-13v0.13
SD_LoadingIndicator B4AB4IB4J
@Star-Dust · 2023-07-09v0.04
SD_TextView B4AB4IB4J
TextView stylize
@Star-Dust · 2023-06-20v0.24Added Editable propierty on design
RuntimePermissions B4A
Android runtime permissions
@Erel · 2023-06-14v1.2
AS_FlowTabMenu B4AB4IB4J
Smooth Tab Menu
@Alexander Stolte · 2023-05-23v1.01
B4XFormatter B4AB4IB4J
Advanced bumber formatter implemented with B4X
@Erel · 2023-05-21v1.04
BCTextEngine B4AB4IB4J
Rich text rendering library implemented with B4X
@Erel · 2023-05-21v1.95
AS_PlusMinus B4AB4IB4J
IOS like stepper
@Alexander Stolte · 2023-05-16v1
PermissionsManager B4A
PermissionsManager is a library that enables the management of runtime permissions.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-05-15v1.3
connect directly to MySql, MsSql (NO NEED JRDC)
@Star-Dust · 2023-04-06v0.07
SD_MenuClose B4A
@Star-Dust · 2023-04-01v0.05
xResizeAndCrop B4AB4IB4J
b4xlib CustomView to resize, crop and save bitmaps
@klaus · 2023-03-28v1.7
PagesTransition B4AB4IB4J
Pages Transition effect
@Solutions Development · 2023-03-28v1.07
SD_CreativeBackground B4AB4IB4J
Spaciel Backgroud Effect
@Star-Dust · 2023-03-07v0.06
TextCrumbs B4AB4IB4J
Bread Crumbs with clickable Text/CharSequence Support
@epiCode · 2023-01-27v1