✨ SD_SwitchAdv B4AB4IB4J
Switch 2 or 3 state
@Star-Dust · 2021-05-06v0.022 or 3 state; Horiz or Vert; Style
Switch 2 or 3 state
Image effects based on BitmapCreator
Format dates in GMT time zone without changing the app''s time zone
Bitmap effects based on BitmapCreator
b4xlib CustomView to draw graphs
iOS Socket.IO Client library wrap
Present the new features in each screen of your app
simple in app notification/information panel (swipe2hide function)
Animate bottom navigation
B4i WebSocket client
Extension to xCLV for cases where the list grows backwards (chats)
Send http requests
This Instagram style image and video slider is compatible with B4A and B4I.
Additional button for B4xDialog
Extenstion to xCLV that allows expanding and collapsing items
Rich toast messages based on BCTextEngine
Nice sliding menu