AS_TabMenuAdvanced B4AB4IB4J
container view controller that manages a multiselection interface, where the selection determines which child view controller to displa
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-04-25v1.17
AS_PremiumSummary B4AB4IB4J
list your premium features and make it easier for the customer to choose the right premium package
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-04-20v1
MiniSearchView B4AB4IB4J
Text field with horizontal autocomplete
@Erel · 2024-04-11v2
SD_TreeList B4AB4IB4J
Tree List
@Star-Dust · 2024-04-03v0.27
AS_FloatingActionButton B4AB4IB4J
expand button with actions and text
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-03-31v1.07
SD_CustomKeyboard B4AB4IB4J
@Star-Dust · 2024-03-27v2
@Star-Dust · 2024-03-25v0.15
GoogleOAuth2 B4AB4IB4J
OAuth2 implementation
@Erel · 2024-03-19v2.11
B4XIndexOfObject B4AB4IB4J
List & Map IndexOf that works easily with object items
@Sagenut - LucaMs · 2024-03-17v1
AS_Scheduler B4AB4IB4J
B4X library for displaying Appointments
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-03-01v3.19DayView, MonthView, AgendaView, API, Utils and InternShared
AS_DatePicker B4AB4IB4J
simple DatePicker, with which you can quickly reach your target date
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-03-01v1.27
AS_CheckBox B4AB4IB4J
cross platform checkbox
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-24v1.12
AS_Label B4AB4IB4J
cross platform label
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-17v1.04
AS_CountryPicker B4AB4IB4J
Phone Number Prefix Picker
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-10v1.02
B4XTable B4AB4IB4J
Powerful page based table view
@Erel · 2024-02-08v1.24
lmVBStrFuncs B4AB4IB4J
B4XLib that provides 12 VB6/VBA string functions
@LucaMs · 2024-02-02v2
AS_MultiColumnCustomListView B4AB4IB4J
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-01v1.03
AS_Timeline B4AB4IB4J
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-01-23v1.01
B4XThreeState B4AB4IB4J
Sort of three-state button, crossplatform
@LucaMs · 2024-01-20v1.01
AS_TimePickerDialog B4AB4IB4J
AS_TimePicker + B4XDialog
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-01-19v1.06