AS_GradientsPanel B4AB4IB4J
a panel with custom gradients (scaleable)
@Alexander Stolte · 2019-08-26v1
jAudioClip B4J
Wrapper for the JavaFX AudioClip class
@Stevel05 · 2019-07-19v1
jConnectionPool B4J
SQL connection pool feature extracted from jServer for UI apps
@Erel · 2019-07-18v1
MqttBroker B4J
MQTT broker that can be embedded in the app
@Erel · 2019-07-17v2.02
SD_ImageViewMultiple B4AB4J
@Star-Dust · 2019-05-30v0.02
SD_p7m B4AB4IB4J
Extract electronic invoices from p7m files
@Star-Dust · 2019-05-29v0.05
jObservable B4J
Observables are primitive types, strings, objects or collections that trigger events when they are modified.
@F. Leneuf-Magaud · 2019-05-27v1.1
AS_FloatingLoadingButton B4AB4IB4J
click the button to do things and wait until tasks are ready
@Alexander Stolte · 2019-04-29v1
MsgBox/Dialog with drag function
@Alexander Stolte · 2019-04-29v1.1
AS_Placeholder B4AB4IB4J
B4X variant of 50 shades lib
@Alexander Stolte · 2019-04-29v0.2
AS_SlidingCircles B4AB4IB4J
Fancy Loading View
@Alexander Stolte · 2019-04-24v1
RecentFilesManager B4J
A class that manages the list of recent files
@Erel · 2019-04-09v1.01
CLVDragger B4J
CLV extension that allows the user to reorder items with dragging
@Erel · 2019-03-28v1
Eval B4AB4IB4J
Expressions evaluator
@Erel · 2019-03-27v2.01
SD_DogLoadingIndicator B4AB4IB4J
LoadingIndicator with Dog
@Star-Dust · 2019-03-13v0.02
BalConverter B4J
Converts B4X layouts file to JSON and vice versa
@Erel · 2019-01-17v2.3
zt-zip B4AB4J
Alternate Zip lib. Wrapper for zt-zip project from github
@Stevel05 · 2018-12-05v1Requires additional download
JavaObject B4AB4J
Provides access to native APIs
@Erel · 2018-11-25v2.06
jShell B4J
Run external programs
@Erel · 2018-11-20v1.52
ByteConverter B4AB4J
Convert primitive types and Strings to/from Byte arrays
@agraham · 2018-11-12v1.1