XMLBuilder B4AB4IB4J
XML builder
@Erel · 2014-12-28v1
AsyncStreamsText B4AB4IB4J
Manage text based communication protocols that end with end of line
@Erel · 2014-04-03v1
jAudioTrack B4J
Wrapper for JavaFX AudioTrack
@Stevel05 · 2014-02-27v1
jAudioRecord B4J
Wrapper for JavaFX AudioRecord
@Stevel05 · 2014-02-18v1Consider upgrading to jAudioRecord2
jReflection B4J
Reflection library ported to B4J
@agraham · 2013-12-21v1.2
Threading B4AB4J
Run B4A Subs on a separate thread
@agraham · 2012-06-23v1.1
CollectionsExtra B4AB4J
A doubly linked list and some additional Array manipulations.
@agraham · 2011-02-02v1.0
Encryption B4AB4J
Base64, symmetric and asymmetric encryption and decryption
@agraham · 2010-12-12v1.1
UK only. Convert between OSGB Grid, OSGB36 and WGS84 coordinates
@agraham · 2010-12-03v1.0
StringUtils B4AB4IB4J
Base64, CSV and more
@Erel · 1970-01-01v