jPager B4J
Performance ViewPager for B4J
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-07-12v1.03
AS_AppSummary B4AB4IB4J
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-07-08v1.01
xGauges B4AB4IB4J
b4xlib CustomView to draw gauges
@klaus · 2024-07-04v2
xGaugesRect B4AB4IB4J
b4xlib CustomView to draw rectangular gauges
@klaus · 2024-07-04v1.2
[B4X] SP Ping - Run the ping command from B4A, B4J and B4I
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-06-28v1
[B4X] SP IFStatus - Check if interface status (WiFi, cell network data or LAN) has enabled or disabled
@Sergio Haurat · 2024-06-27v1
Supabase B4AB4IB4J
an open source Firebase alternative
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-06-26v1.23
xHttpServer B4AB4IB4J
Http Server + WebSockety + Query Element + Digest security
@Star-Dust · 2024-06-10v0.77
jGoogleMaps B4J
B4J GoogleMaps
@Erel · 2024-06-09v2.01
AS_FloatingActionMenu B4AB4IB4J
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-05-29v1.01
AS_TextFieldAdvanced B4AB4IB4J
Modern TextField with advanced options
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-05-18v1.41
ABMaterial B4J
Create WebApps without any knowledge of HTML or CSS.
@Alwaysbusy · 2024-05-17v5.15
ABMServer B4J
WebApps Mini Template for ABMaterial
@Alwaysbusy · 2024-05-17v1.15
JdashboardUI B4J
personas beautiful custom views and visual enhancements for your app built with b4j
@farevalo210 · 2024-05-17v19.2
lmB4XImageView B4AB4IB4J
Erel''s B4XImageView + Click and Touch events + L.T.W.H. properties
@LucaMs · 2024-05-13v2.20
SimpleMediaManager B4AB4IB4J
Framework for remote media resources
@Erel · 2024-05-13v1.17
BANanoSupabase B4J
Simple CRUD class for Supabase via BANano
@Mashiane · 2024-05-13v1
MediaChooser B4AB4IB4J
cross platform videos and images chooser
@Erel · 2024-05-13v1.02
AS_CheckBoxAdvanced B4AB4IB4J
CheckBox with Text
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-05-07v1.02
AS_Badges B4AB4IB4J
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-05-06v1.04