rMDMAX72xxLedMatrix B4R
ESP8266 MAX7219 led matrix
@Erel · 2016-11-17v1
rKeypad B4R
TTP229 - Capacitive Keypad
@Erel · 2016-10-30v1
rIRremoteESP8266 B4R
ESP8266 IR send and receive
@Erel · 2016-10-18v1.12
rAPDS9960 B4R
APDS 9960 gesture and RGB sensor
@Erel · 2016-09-07v1
rCurieBLE B4R
Arduino 101 BLE
@Erel · 2016-09-05v1
BMP180 - Pressure and temperature
@Erel · 2016-08-22v1.1
rAdafruitSSD1306 B4R
OLED displays
@Erel · 2016-08-16v1.1
rMAX7219LedMatrix B4R
ESP8266 MAX7219 led matrices
@Erel · 2016-08-08v1.01
rAdafruitNeoPixel B4R
Adafruit NeoPixel - single-wire-based LED pixels and strip
@Erel · 2016-08-02v1
rAdafruitMotorShieldV2 B4R
Adafruit motor shield
@Erel · 2016-07-17v1
rESP8266 B4R
Few ESP8266 related utilities
@Erel · 2016-07-03v1
rStepper B4R
Stepper motor library
@Erel · 2016-06-22v1
rSeeedOLED B4R
OLED Display 128X64
@Erel · 2016-06-19v1
rSoftwareSerial B4R
Arduino software serial ports
@Erel · 2016-06-19v1
rRF24 B4R
nRF24L01+ radio modules
@Erel · 2016-05-17v1
rOneWire B4R
Dallas 1-wire protocol
@Erel · 2016-05-08v1
rAdafruit_PWMServoDriver B4R
Adafruit PCA9685 16-Channel Servo Driver
@Erel · 2016-05-02v1
rLedControl B4R
MAX7219 and MAX7221 led display drivers
@Erel · 2016-05-02v1
rLiquidCrystal_I2C B4R
@Erel · 2016-05-02v1.01
rServo B4R
Arduino Servo motor library
@Erel · 2016-04-20v0.9