jServer B4J
Powerful Http and WebSocket server
@Erel · 2022-07-10v4.01
jCore B4J
B4J core library
@Erel · 2022-07-05v9.8
jServer3 B4J
Old version of jServer (Java 8+)
@Erel · 2022-06-21v3
iUI9 B4I
SafariController and a few extra features that were added in iOS 9
@Erel · 2022-06-14v1.12
HugeImageView B4AB4IB4J
Similar to ZoomImageView. Can load huge images
@Erel · 2022-06-14v1.03
AS_PopupMenuAdvanced B4AB4IB4J
PopupMenu with xCustomListView
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-06-07v1.06
AS_BlinkTextView B4AB4IB4J
A TextView that blinks, just like the good old HTML tag.
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-06-03v1
CLVDragger Mod B4J
Customlistview with drag and drop reordering of items (based on Erel''s CLVDragger)
@epiCode · 2022-05-26v8
AS_TabMenu B4AB4IB4J
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-05-22v1.35
SD_CosmosMenu B4AB4J
@Star-Dust · 2022-05-22v1.03
GoogleMapsExtra B4I
Class that extends iOS Google Maps library
@Erel · 2022-05-01v2.15
AS_RadioButton B4AB4IB4J
cross platform radio button (can grouped)
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-04-29v1.05
AS_BottomMenu B4AB4IB4J
Bottom Menu with middle button
@Alexander Stolte · 2022-04-27v2.1
HintOverlay B4AB4IB4J
Display hint captions with highlighted target views
@Segga · 2022-04-26v1.2
EDK_Notification B4AB4I
Notification Component
@Ertan · 2022-04-08v1.1Bux fixed.
IronSourceAds B4A
IronSource Ads
@Pendrush · 2022-04-07v7.21
HTMLEditorWrapper B4J
Easy access to underlying HTML code, code indentation and simple table generator
@Stevel05 · 2022-04-06v1.2Requires jSoup 1.14.3
CLVItemToolbox B4AB4IB4J
Custom view to be added to xCustomListView items.
@LucaMs · 2022-03-30v1.31
jBasicLib Editor B4J
Test environment for jBasicLib
@Stevel05 · 2022-03-30v1.1
lmB4XSQLiteDump B4J
Generates dump files of SQLite tables
@LucaMs · 2022-03-29v1