Nitrite NoSQL B4J
Embedded serverless NoSQL database library
@Stevel05 · 2021-01-28v1.15
WobbleMenu B4AB4IB4J
Animate bottom navigation
@Biswajit · 2021-01-25v1.5
Android Bluetooth Low Energy
@Erel · 2021-01-17v1.39
B4XEncryption B4AB4J
Simple, powerful and cross platform encryption
@Erel · 2021-01-14v1
iWebSocket B4I
B4i WebSocket client
@Erel · 2021-01-14v1.11
CLVBackwards B4AB4IB4J
Extension to xCLV for cases where the list grows backwards (chats)
@Erel · 2021-01-12v1
KSCrash B4I
iOS crash reports
@Erel · 2021-01-06v1
@Star-Dust · 2021-01-05v1.04
OkHttpUtils2 B4I
Send http requests
@Erel · 2021-01-01v2.96
SD_AnimatedButton B4AB4IB4J
@Star-Dust · 2020-12-29v0.03
xImageSliderIG B4AB4I
This Instagram style image and video slider is compatible with B4A and B4I.
@Biswajit · 2020-12-25v2.02
CodeMirorWrapper B4J
Code editor and highlighter
@Stevel05 · 2020-12-22v1.51Requires additional downloads
4 Button B4xDialog B4AB4IB4J
Additional button for B4xDialog
@Stevel05 · 2020-12-21v1.1
Throwables B4AB4J
Throw an IllegalArgumentException or a NumberFormatException
@Stevel05 · 2020-12-21v1
db2000.eXtrafunctions B4AB4J
classes and methods for general use
@Massimo Mascalchi · 2020-12-18v3.3
CLVExpandable B4AB4IB4J
Extenstion to xCLV that allows expanding and collapsing items
@Erel · 2020-12-14v1
B4XPagesTemplates B4AB4J
Not a library. Holds the B4XPages class templates
@Erel · 2020-12-07v1
Rich toast messages based on BCTextEngine
@Erel · 2020-12-06v1.01
Set read and write analogue resolutions in Seeeduino XIAO and Arduino Due, Maker
@hatzisn · 2020-12-02v1
B4XDrawer B4AB4IB4J
Nice sliding menu
@Erel · 2020-12-01v1.55