@Guenter Becker · 2025-03-04
@Guenter Becker · 2025-03-04
New ProgressBar library that displays values (in % or real values). You can choose the direction of the Bar movement. You can set an alarm for a certain value, when the Bar color changes or an event is triggered.
@Jerryk · 2025-02-16
Load imageview bitmap from Url without download
Load imageview bitmap from Url without download
@jkhazraji · 2025-02-13
Introducing TastyToast â Animated Notifications for B4A
Based on the original TastyToast thread, I have updated the library and added the confusion notification, inspired by the TastyToast repository.
@fernando1987 · 2025-02-11
SimpleLottieB4A [AXrLottie]
Edited and simplified version of the AXrLottie source for compatibility with Api34
@intellvold · 2025-01-31
Before-after image slider library
Before-after image comparison slider written completely in b4a
@jkhazraji · 2025-01-25
Unity Ads Library
Unity Ads Library
@Pendrush · 2025-01-25
Intellvold Accessibility Service
Intellvold Accessibility Service
@intellvold · 2025-01-24
Simple Library Compiler - Build libraries without Eclipse [Tool]
Simple Library Compiler - Build libraries without Eclipse [Tool]
@Erel · 2025-01-20
Digital Ink Recognition based on ML Kit
Digital Ink (handwriting) Recognition based on ML Kit
@Erel · 2025-01-19
DJI-Wrapper of the Mobile SDK V5
DJI-Wrapper of the Mobile SDK V5
@schimanski · 2025-01-19
PndFFmpegKit Library
FFmpegKit is a wrapper library that allows you to easily run FFmpeg/FFprobe commands in applications. It provides additional features on top of FFmpeg to enable platform specific resources, control how commands are executed and how the results are handled.
@Pendrush · 2025-01-16
A library for the swipe to refresh UI pattern.
@Corwin42 · 2025-01-14
SD: ScratchCard
I created a new view / panel that simulates the effect of scratch cards. Create a panel from code that design and you can hook other views that will be visible after the user has passed the finger on the surface. It has all the properties of a panel and also returns the native panel.
@Star-Dust · 2025-01-06
Zebra SE4710 barcode scan engine
Zebra SE4710 barcode scan engine
@Peter Simpson · 2024-12-25
Extended B4XDateTemplate
Extended B4XDateTemplate
@Guenter Becker · 2024-12-23
calculates magnetic variation and inclination for place and time.
@Derez · 2024-12-20
RichEditor for Android is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Android
@somed3v3loper · 2024-12-04
I have modified a custom view AutoTextSizeLabel where the font size is maximized either in height or width.Now it takes into account both borders and padingns. It is packaged in the b4xlib library.
@Jerryk · 2024-11-29
Manage External Storage - access internal external storage > SDK 30
A class that lets apps on SDK 30 and higher devices treat the file store as a real file store and not some dumbed down abstracted thing.
@agraham · 2024-11-11
Intellvold New B4A CardView
Intellvold New B4A CardView
@intellvold · 2024-11-01
GPBilling [B4A]
This library wraps the GooglePlayBilling base library. It returns the results in structures as they are built in the Google accounting system.
@Jerryk · 2024-10-29
GPBpurchases - Google Play Billing purchases library
GPBpurchases - Google Play Billing purchases library
@Jerryk · 2024-10-29
EasyAR [Augmented Reality] Library
EasyAR [Augmented Reality] Library
@walterf25 · 2024-10-27
This is an expanded version of the original UsbSerial library. It has added support for Prolific PL2303 USB to serial converters, Android ADK devices and USB permissions. All devices use the same simple interface intended to be used with AsyncStreams and AsyncStreamsText. Note that AsyncStreams prefix mode is not supported. The library is based on the same open source project Android USB host serial driver library as the existing UsbSerial library but no longer needs a separate jar file as the project source code is incorporated in the library.
@Erel · 2024-10-25
SDZipLibrary improvement
SDZipLibrary improvement
@Alain75 · 2024-10-23
Generic Android powered 1D/2D laser barcode scanner library
Generic Android powered 1D/2D laser barcode scanner library
@Peter Simpson · 2024-10-22
TTSextras - Freedom of Speech
TTSextras allows you to: 1) save raw PCM (android''s default) audio output to a file in your system''s Documents folder. do with it as you see fit. 2) save synthesized output (as a .wav file) to RuntimePermissions.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal("") or to your systems''s Files folder. listen and share to your heart''s content. 3) synthesize text greater than 4000 bytes at a time. obviously, within the limits of your device''s memory. 4) easy voice selection and identification. you can map a given voice to a user-friendly description for future reference.
@drgottjr · 2024-10-21
addoMedia3 - AndroidX Media3 Exoplayer Wrapper
addoMedia3 - AndroidX Media3 Exoplayer Wrapper
@Addo · 2024-10-15