rBLEServer for ESP32
rBLEServer for ESP32
@rwblinn · 2025-03-02
enable BT or BLE and get MAC-address [ESP32]
enable BT or BLE and get MAC-address [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2025-02-25
rBLEBeacon ESP32
rBLEBeacon is an open source library to create a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Eddystone Beacon based on ESP32.
@rwblinn · 2025-02-24
rHttpUtils2 - Http Client with synchronous requests queue [module]
Extended Erel''s module with 8-level FIFO queue manager. Allows to schedule the HTTP-requests one by one, not ideal, with big RAM memory consumption, but works with ESP32. It allows to add requests into a queue and the manager will run them automatically storing against non-stable Internet-connection.
@peacemaker · 2025-02-15
rESP32RGBLEDC is an open source library to set the color of a RGB LED connected to an ESP32 using the Arduino-ESP32 LEDC API.
@rwblinn · 2025-02-10
rCAN library
The library makes it simple to communicate between Arduinos AND ESP32s using a 2 wire CAN bus. (fx. 100KBS at 1000m)
@janderkan · 2025-01-26
fauxmoESP library for B4R: Amazon Alexa support for ESP8266, ESP32
fauxmoESP library for B4R: Amazon Alexa support for ESP8266, ESP32
@candide · 2025-01-09
controlling the build in RGB led on the ESP32-S3 Wroom dev board
controlling the build in RGB led on the ESP32-S3 Wroom dev board
@MbedAndroid · 2024-11-26
SD-card: save log into a limited [looped] log file
SD-card: save log into a limited [looped] log file
@peacemaker · 2024-08-25
.bin merging and flashing [ESP32]
.bin merging and flashing [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2024-08-23
rSD32 library
A wrapper based on SD library in esp32 package for arduino.
@candide · 2024-08-22
rTFT_eSPI + rPNGdec a wrapper for TFT / compilation esp32 OK / need tester with real TFT
rTFT_eSPI + rPNGdec a wrapper for TFT / compilation esp32 OK / need tester with real TFT
@candide · 2024-08-09
rESPUI for esp32
ESPUI is a simple library to make a web-based user interface for your projects using the ESP8266 or the ESP32 It uses web sockets and lets you create, ol, and update elements on your GUI through multiple devices like phones and tablets.
@candide · 2024-08-07
How to calculate device''s battery lifetime ?
How to calculate device''s battery lifetime ?
@peacemaker · 2024-07-27
rESP8266littleFS for B4R
Library littleFS for ESP8266 on B4R. It is just rESP8266FileSystem modified to work with littleFS from ESP8266 delivery. This library is faster and more reliable then spiffs.
@candide · 2024-07-08
rAutoPID for B4R
A simple PID library featuring time scaling, bang-bang control, and PWM relay control.
@candide · 2024-06-15
This is a B4R Library to control LED lights using the DMX512 protocol.
@rwblinn · 2024-06-02
PIDController Library for B4R
PIDController Library for B4R
@candide · 2024-05-26
@Johan Schoeman · 2024-05-05
A fast 32-bit fixed-point PID controller for Arduino
@Johan Schoeman · 2024-05-01
Controllino Mega PLC Examples
Controllino Mega PLC Examples
@Johan Schoeman · 2024-03-30
This GitHub repository contains all you need to start with CONTROLLINO devices programming in Arduino IDE.
@Johan Schoeman · 2024-03-29
Useful defines
Useful #defines
@Daestrum · 2024-02-29
Provisioning: Start Access point, display its Wifi credentials as a Wifi-QRCode [can be scanned by any phone]
Provisioning: Start Access point, display its Wifi credentials as a Wifi-QRCode [can be scanned by any phone]
@KMatle · 2024-02-26
TFT displays: TFT_ESPI [inline C] example
TFT displays: TFT_ESPI [inline C] example
@KMatle · 2024-02-10
External I2C 4-channel 16-bit ADC ADS1115
External I2C 4-channel 16-bit ADC ADS1115
@peacemaker · 2024-01-29
For those who like handmade signs
For those who enjoy making their own 8 Relays, DS18b20, Buzzer, Display, LDR Sensor
@Cesar_Morisco · 2024-01-20
my second project with you
Fan control with timer
@Cesar_Morisco · 2024-01-20
Writing & Reading Serial EEPROM 24C512 With Arduino Uno Using rWire
Writing & Reading Serial EEPROM 24C512 With Arduino Uno Using rWire
@embedded · 2024-01-18
ESP32_Dev_Module_Pins Code Module
ESP32_Dev_Module_Pins Code Module
@Cableguy · 2024-01-14