How to write a Tutorial/Snippets/ShareYourCreations
How to write a Tutorial/Snippets/ShareYourCreations
@Cableguy · 2024-01-13
rLCDWIKI_SPI a wrapper for SPI LCD display using ILI9325 and more
LCDWIKI_SPI is a library for LCD panels under SPI and using ILI9325, ILI9328, ILI9341, HX8357D, HX8347G, HX8347I, ILI9486, ST7735S, or SSD1283A controllers.
@candide · 2023-12-10
ChatGPT can help designing circuits
ChatGPT can help designing circuits
@hatzisn · 2023-12-03
BME280 - well known sensor: thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, altimeter
BME280 - well known sensor: thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, altimeter
@peacemaker · 2023-11-27
Compass - magnet sensor group xxx5883
Compass - magnet sensor group xxx5883
@peacemaker · 2023-11-25
XGZP6897D pressure sensors family
Modern pressure sensors where combined the piezoresistive pressure sensor and the ADC chipset with 24-bit resolution and I2C digital interface (and for temperature 16-bit one).
@peacemaker · 2023-11-17
ENS160 Multi-Gas Sensor
Sensor ENS160 can measure: Air quality index, Concentration of total volatile organic compounds (ppb), Carbon dioxide equivalent concentration (ppm). Default I2C address: 0x53 (can also work via SPI interface, not used here).
@peacemaker · 2023-11-16
RCWL-96xx ultrasonic distance sensors [HC-SR04+ or HC-SR04P modules]
Old sensors HC-SR04 are analog, with measuring the distance as the impulse width. Latest models are with i2c interface based on some RCWL chips, like RCWL-9600, 9610, 9620 or soâ¦
@peacemaker · 2023-11-16
rThermal_Printer a wrapper Thermal Printer under BLE
Easily generate text and graphics and send them to various BLE thermal printers
@candide · 2023-11-04
MCUs comparison 2023
MCUs comparison 2023
@peacemaker · 2023-10-23
rESP32BLESimpleAdvertiser for ESP32
The library allows you to advertise manufacturer and service data (without connecting to the ble server) on an ESP32. It allows also to receive advertised messages on an other ESP32.
@candide · 2023-10-23
rSFR05 a library for SFR05
Arduino library for the SRF05 distance sensor and compatibles.
@candide · 2023-09-21
B4R Change Log (version history)
B4R Change Log (version history)
@Erel · 2023-09-05
compilation language: arduino-cli config
arduino-cli interface for the new B4R version can be adjusted by a configuration file.
@peacemaker · 2023-08-21
BH1750 - Digital Ambient Light Sensor [ESP32]
BH1750 - Digital Ambient Light Sensor [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2023-08-15
2 basic projects on esp : one with MQTT client and one with MQTT broker
2 basic projects on esp : one with MQTT client and one with MQTT broker
@candide · 2023-08-13
Sleep until re-power up [ESP32]
Sleep until re-power up [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2023-08-11
Internal Hall sensor [magnetic] [ESP32]
Internal Hall sensor [magnetic] [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2023-08-10
WatchDog [ESP32]
WatchDog [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2023-08-05
rArduinoNvs NVS library for esp32
rArduinoNvs NVS library for esp32
@candide · 2023-07-30
flash partitions [ESP32]
Maybe can be useful to work with the partition, result of NVS partition is correct - corresponding to "partitions.csv": # Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x5000
@peacemaker · 2023-07-28
NVS storage [ESP32]
Arduino NVS is a port for a non-volatile storage (NVS, flash) library for ESP32 to the Arduino Platform.
@peacemaker · 2023-07-28
ESP32: detailed OTA/Update via WebServer from SPIFFS file system
ESP32: detailed OTA/Update via WebServer from SPIFFS file system
@peacemaker · 2023-07-27
rMCP27017 a wrapper for MCP23017
A wrapper for MCP23017 based on library from :
@candide · 2023-07-26
rsMQTTBroker an MQTT broker for esp32 and esp8266
rsMQTTBroker an MQTT broker for esp32 and esp8266
@candide · 2023-07-26
OTA update from server via WiFi only [ESP32]
OTA update from server via WiFi only [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2023-07-25
Analog Input Pin values mapping
In many cases when reading analog input pin, we got a values not what we expect, but in real they are true values, so we need to map them to understandable values.
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2023-07-02
Reading & Writing Time of DS1307 With ESP32 Using rWire
Reading & Writing Time of DS1307 With ESP32 Using rWire
@embedded · 2023-05-31
Inertial Measurements (MPU 6050) and Magnetometer (HMC5883L)
Inertial Measurements (MPU 6050) and Magnetometer (HMC5883L)
@derez · 2023-05-27
Home Control 4
Home Control 4
@XorAndOr · 2023-05-18