ESP32 WITH LCD [20x4] Interface Using I2C
ESP32 WITH LCD [20x4] Interface Using I2C
@embedded · 2023-05-15
@embedded · 2023-05-10
Tips to use an M5Stamp-C3U
Tips to use an M5Stamp-C3U
@thali · 2023-03-29
ESP32: AES256 encrypted & Base64 encoded post message to and from PHP
ESP32: AES256 encrypted & Base64 encoded post message to and from PHP
@KMatle · 2023-02-06
RSA Encryption: Create keys, en-/decrypt, hash, sign/verify signature [clean code]
RSA Encryption: Create keys, en-/decrypt, hash, sign/verify signature [clean code]
@KMatle · 2023-02-04
AES256 encrypted BLE [ESP32 & B4A] example
AES256 encrypted BLE [ESP32 & B4A] example
@KMatle · 2023-02-02
rDebug.b4xlib - Debug arduino code adding break points in all microprocessors'' code [even the older ones]
rDebug.b4xlib - Debug arduino code adding break points in all microprocessors'' code [even the older ones]
@hatzisn · 2023-01-12
Car parking position detector
Car parking position detector
@hatzisn · 2022-12-19
ESP Configurator based on B4RSerializator
This tool replaces the browser based solution ( It is simpler and much more powerful.
@Erel · 2022-12-08
Benchmark of Microcontrollers
Counts 200 cycles and logs the mean time between two cycles (in Millis)
@hatzisn · 2022-12-05
MCP3204 12bit ADC with ESP32
MCP3204 12bit ADC with ESP32
@embedded · 2022-11-19
ESP32CAM - Print Logs Workaround - b4xlib included
All of you that have bought the ESP32CAM you know that it does not print logs in B4R. So if you cannot go through a problem, just go around it. The around way is to post in MQTT server the logs and display them in B4J app. And it works.
@hatzisn · 2022-10-24
Ethernet ENC28J60 solution
Ethernet ENC28J60 solution
@Nator · 2022-10-10
ILI9488 tft Library
This library is for support for the 320x480 tft controller over 4 wire SPI. It is based heavily on the Adafruit_ILI9341 library and is designed to work with the Adafruit_GFX library.
@candide · 2022-08-31
library for PCF8574
This library gives easy control over the 8 pins of a PCF8574 and PCF8574A chip. These chips are identical in behavior although there are two distinct address ranges.
@candide · 2022-08-02
rEspalexa livrary
It allows you to set a ranged value (e.g. Brightness, Temperature) and optionally a color, additionally to standard on/off control. For example, you can say "Alexa, turn the light to 75% / 21 degrees".
@candide · 2022-08-02
The goal is to send sensor & actuator data from an Arduino Microcontroller to Domoticz Home Automation System by using a RFXCOM RFXtrx433e transceiver.
@rwblinn · 2022-07-22
Node-Red MQTT controlling 8+8 digital Inp-Out and I2C ADC on ESP32
Node-Red MQTT controlling 8+8 digital Inp-Out and I2C ADC on ESP32
@TiDi · 2022-06-23
rLoRa library
An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios.
@candide · 2022-06-20
Node-Red MQTT controlling 8 relays ESP32
Here a sample program to control 8 outputs on arduino ESP32. The program use the MQTT protocol to exchange the data (really a single byte). By Node-red web interface the user set or reset the relay and the arduino send back the status as feedback.
@TiDi · 2022-06-05
Mini Weather Station with LCD
A Mini Weather Station experiment displaying on a 16x2 LCD the Temperature + Humidity (Line1) and Pressure + Altitude (Line2). In addition, a trendindicator (=,+,-) is shown for each measure.
@rwblinn · 2022-04-19
rTM1637Ex is an open source B4R library for writing to TM1637 7-segment-displays connected to microcontroller, like Arduino.
@rwblinn · 2022-04-09
Glossary for Arduino Development
This is not a tutorial for B4R. I think a glossary of terms might be useful for beginners to electronics and B4R. So I created my own list in GitHub to record the terms that I find need explanation.
@aeric · 2022-04-04
Reading 6 CJMCU [96 Pins] for keyboard
Reading 6 CJMCU [96 Pins] for keyboard
@Hans- Joachim Krahe · 2022-03-29
rAsyncTCP on esp32
rAsyncTCP on esp32
@candide · 2022-03-24
ESP32: OTP/2FA example
This example generates a OTP/2FA ("One Time Password") as you know it when you login to a website and you get a 6 digit code via sms. It changes every 30 seconds.
@KMatle · 2022-02-16
E-Paper [probably suitable for battery powered projects]
E-Paper [probably suitable for battery powered projects]
@hatzisn · 2022-02-15
ESP32: HMAC with SHA256 [other md''s will do, too] via inline c
Here''s a short example how to generate a HMAC SHA256 hash (via passphrase). It''s good to "sign" messages as a passphrase is used to hash a message.
@KMatle · 2022-02-01
Get the time from a timeserver [the easy way]
Get the time from a timeserver [the easy way]
@KMatle · 2022-02-01
Base64 en-/decode via inline C
Base64 en-/decode via inline C
@KMatle · 2022-01-31