Updated RSA Encryption between B4x and ESP32''s [any other plattform will do, too]
Here''s an updated example how to - generate an RSA keypair (Public and Private key) on a ESP32 and on B4x - export these keys in PEM format (compatible with any other plattform like B4x, .net, php, python, etc.) - exchange the Public Keys (here via WiFi/AsyncStreams) - encrypt and decrypt on both sides
@KMatle · 2022-01-30
rSPI library and rSPI32 library
A wrapper for SPI library from esp8266 project and a wrapper for SPI32 from esp32 project
@candide · 2022-01-29
DroneBot Workshop - A great dissection of the new Arduino IDE
DroneBot Workshop - A great dissection of the new Arduino IDE
@hatzisn · 2022-01-24
Full responsive ESP8266 settings WebApp with websockets
Full responsive ESP8266 settings WebApp with websockets
@hatzisn · 2021-12-26
I was looking for a web server working with B4R and i found a good candidate with aWOT library for arduino.
@candide · 2021-12-12
rSPI32 - A port of rSPI for ESP32 boards
rSPI32 - A port of rSPI for ESP32 boards
@hatzisn · 2021-12-04
SPI library for Arduino
@hatzisn · 2021-10-27
Cables [AWG - Surface - Diameter]
Cables [AWG - Surface - Diameter]
@hatzisn · 2021-10-26
This B4R library wraps the Boost methods of the Legoino Library. The rLegoinoBoost library enables controlling the LEGO® Motorized Hub (MoveHUB) from the LEGO Creative Toolbox 17101.
@rwblinn · 2021-10-19
ESP32 Ping
ESP32 Ping
@thetahsk · 2021-10-09
rURL - UrlEncode and UrlDecode
Allows you to UrlEncode and UrlDecode strings in order to use them in URLs
@hatzisn · 2021-09-25
TascScheduler module [Module]
A basic task scheduler to manage multi-threading in B4R environment
@candide · 2021-08-17
rHCSR04 - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
rHCSR04 - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
@rwblinn · 2021-07-28
GlobalStore - Global objects storage [module]
As explained in the tutorial about memory management in B4R: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/65672/#content it is not trivial to assign the value of a local, non-numeric, variable to a global variable.The reason behind this limitation is that the memory is statically allocated during compilation. It is therefore only possible to set fixed-size values (such as numbers).The attached module uses B4RSerializator to convert the objects to bytes and then copies them to a global buffer.Using it is simple. You need to call Store to put an object and you need to get objects from the GlobalStore.Objects array.By default there are 5 slots that you can use. This can be changed by modifying the code.
@Erel · 2021-07-22
rLEDController is an open source B4R B4XLib for controlling multiple LEDs.
@rwblinn · 2021-07-21
ESP8266 yield[] function
ESP8266 yield() function
@hatzisn · 2021-07-14
rGPRMC is an open source B4R B4XLib for parsing the GPS NMEA RMC sentence message
@rwblinn · 2021-07-05
rMiLYWSD03MMC - Xiaomi Mi Temperature & Humidity Monitor 2
rMiLYWSD03MMC - Xiaomi Mi Temperature & Humidity (& Battery) Monitor 2
@rwblinn · 2021-07-01
Oscillator 1-1,000,000 Hz
Using 16b TIMER 1 and inline C to get oscillating output at PIN 9 (Arduino Uno). the frequency can be set to 1Hz up to 1MHz, the output is set by division of the 16MHz crystal. When the frequency is power of 2 the output is accurate, otherwise the error can be up to 0.04%.
@moty22 · 2021-06-21
PWM with selection of frequency
Using inline C allows controlling TIMER 2 PWM output (analog output) to oscillate at selected frequencies of 61 Hz to 62,500 Hz.freq=1 to 7 select frequency, ana_out set the duty cycle and output at pin 11 (OSC2A) of Arduino Uno.
@moty22 · 2021-06-20
ESP32 - Fix uploading sketch error problem
ESP32 - Fix uploading sketch error problem
@HAH · 2021-06-09
Check car''s lights status and report
Check car''s lights status and report
@hatzisn · 2021-06-07
Using a PIR to rotate a servo [Emulating PIR opening/closing powered doors]
Using a PIR to rotate a servo [Emulating PIR opening/closing powered doors]
@Peter Simpson · 2021-05-23
FTP server module [Module]
FTP server module [Module]
@candide · 2021-05-20
ESP32: Simple OTA/Update via WebServer
ESP32: Simple OTA/Update via WebServer
@KMatle · 2021-05-10
ESP32: Download huge file from a server and save it
ESP32: Download huge file from a server and save it
@KMatle · 2021-05-07
Arduino NANO Serial AES-128KeyGen
As you know Arduino boards can be used for countless activities; in my case i use the NANO board as keygen for a software that i''m coding.
@MarcelloCSI · 2021-04-28
Erels B4R Oveview from Walt''s B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
Erels B4R Oveview from Walt''s B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
@Mashiane · 2021-04-27
BLE Xiaomi Temperature Sensor Project [ESP32 with BLE+WIFI]
BLE Xiaomi Temperature Sensor Project [ESP32 with BLE+WIFI]
@tchart · 2021-04-22
Weather Station using MQTT, UDP and Thingspeak
Weather Station using MQTT, UDP and Thingspeak
@Mark Read · 2021-04-09