Use Rasberry Pi Pico with the Arduino IDE and thus with B4R
Use Rasberry Pi Pico with the Arduino IDE and thus with B4R
@hatzisn · 2021-03-26
Uploading data to ThingSpeak using MQTT
Uploading data to ThingSpeak using MQTT
@Mark Read · 2021-03-21
BMP180 with ESP8266-01 support - Pressure and temperature
BMP180 with ESP8266-01 support - Pressure and temperature
@Martin Larsen · 2021-03-18
ESP32 Now with encryption, master and automatically added slaves
ESP32 Now with encryption, master and automatically added slaves
@KMatle · 2021-03-17
ESP32 Mesh example
Use ESP-MESH networking protocol to build a mesh network with the ESP32 and ESP8266 NodeMCU boards.
@KMatle · 2021-03-15
Using UDP broadcasts for sensor readings
Using UDP broadcasts for sensor readings
@Martin Larsen · 2021-03-15
rMPU9250 library
With this library, you can read Accelerometer, Gyrometer and Magnetometer of MPU9250.
@candide · 2021-03-13
Serial oscilloscope
Serial oscilloscope
@hatzisn · 2021-03-11
ESP32 NOW Example [inline C]
Use ESP-NOW to exchange data between ESP32 boards
@KMatle · 2021-03-10
B4R thermostat with ultrasonic distance sensor
B4R thermostat with ultrasonic distance sensor
@gma · 2021-03-09
Serial Oscilloscope [Module]
Serial Oscilloscope [Module]
@hatzisn · 2021-03-08
Adafruit IO: Sending multiple data feeds with only one mqtt Publish message
Adafruit IO: Sending multiple data feeds with only one mqtt Publish message
@inakigarm · 2021-03-02
SSD1306 Animated Image
Based on SSD1306 module, we can display animated images the same as displaying animated GIF on PC. The animated image is a byte array contains (n) number of frames(bitmap images) they all have the same size. the function displays these frames one after another so we see them animated.
@Mostez · 2021-03-02
SSD1306 Module
This module is written for SSD1306 OLED with I2C interface, though it''s easily to be modified for similar controllers.
@Mostez · 2021-03-02
SSD1306 Progress Bars
Based on SSD1306 module, we can implement horizontal and vertical progress bars. These bars could be drawn at X1-Y1 to X2-Y2 like drawing rectangles, also we need to pass the full scale value(max value) and the recent value. this code example draws horizontal progress bar at 0-15 to 100-22 with full scale value of 100, and displays value of 78. The vertical progress bar works the same as horizontal one, but it displays the values vertically. HBAR and VBAR modules included in SSD1306 update link above.
@Mostez · 2021-03-02
rAdafruit_MAX31856 library
Works great with the Adafruit Thermocouple Breakout w/MAX31856
@candide · 2021-02-25
rHttpUtils2 - Http Client [module]
The HttpJob module implements an http client. It is a simplified version of B4X HttpUtils2.
@Erel · 2021-02-23
rVL53L1X library
This wraps the VL53L1X library by Pololu. The library makes it simple to configure the sensor and read range data from it via I²C.
@janderkan · 2021-02-22
Updated Hardware serial library for Arduino
Allows CTS/RTS hardware handshake. It''s a drop-in substitute for serial library you can found in Arduino, nothing to wrap or change.
@tigrot · 2021-02-21
Returning value to B4R RunNative calls from c code
Returning value to B4R RunNative calls from c code
@Daestrum · 2021-02-20
rLiquidCrystalI2CEx is an open source B4R library for writing to LCD Displays connected to microcontroller, like Arduino.
@rwblinn · 2021-02-17
LCD Display Designer [Tool]
Tool to design LCD Display Layouts for 20x4 or 16x2 displays connected to Arduino, Raspberry Pi or other.
@rwblinn · 2021-02-15
GY-530 / VL53L0X Time of Flight (ToF) laser ranging sensor - Inline C
SubName: Using Time of Flight (ToF) laser sensor to measure distances. Description: A ToF laser ranger sensor is an Infrared (IR) distance measurement sensor, the module uses I2C Bus communications (mine is at 0x29) and can be powered by either a 3.3V or 5V power source. The ToF sensor can measure distances between 30mm and 2000mm (30cm to 2m) with an accuracy of ± 3% (apparently). This module can detect the ToF, or how long the emitted light has taken to bounce back to the sensor. Since it uses a very narrow light source, it is good for determining distance of only the surface directly in front of it. PLEASE NOTE: The internal laser emits 940nm wavelengths of non-visible light and does not harm the eyes, but if you use your phone camera you can see the light on your screen.
@Peter Simpson · 2021-02-04
PS4 F1 2020 Interfacing using ESP8266
PS4 F1 2020 Interfacing using ESP8266
@Cableguy · 2021-02-03
12 bit analog output for ESP32 with MCP492X via SPI
12 bit analog output for ESP32 with MCP492X via SPI
@bussi04 · 2021-01-31
MPU6050 for ESP8266
it is a wrapper for mpu6050 library modified for ESP8266 compatibility from Emanuele Buchicchio
@candide · 2021-01-25
rBLEKeyBoard for ESP32
This library allows you to make the ESP32 act as a Bluetooth Keyboard
@kolbe · 2021-01-03
rBLEMouse for ESP32
This library allows you to make the ESP32 act as a Bluetooth Mouse
@kolbe · 2021-01-03
Controlling DSTV decoder from Android device via Nano and HC-05 bluetooth module
Controlling DSTV decoder from Android device via Nano and HC-05 bluetooth module
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-12-26
Update to rMQTT internal library
This updates the PubSubClient to v2.8. These functions have been added to B4R: IsConnected, SetBufferSize, SetKeepAlive, SetSocketTimeout
@janderkan · 2020-12-20