GoogleApiAvailability [Google Play Services availability]
A small library that serves as an aid in establishing the existence and correctness of the installation of google play services
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-11-12
Audio library v1.5 - New AudioStreamer object
Audio library v1.5 - New AudioStreamer object
@Erel · 2023-11-10
After discovering several problems in the operation of GPS and GNSS libraries on SDK32 and SDK33, I decided to make one library that will be compatible with almost all versions of android (from SDK less than 24 to SDK33 and above). This library combines deprecated GPS classes with still up-to-date GNSS classes and, based on the android version, decides which one to use.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-11-01
SD EscPos Printer [Lan,USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE]
This library allows you to print with thermal printers compatible with the ESC POS language in 4 different communication channels (USB, Bluetooth SPP, BLE, LAN)
@Star-Dust · 2023-10-30
WebViewExtras exposes more of the native Android WebView methods to your B4A application.
@warwound · 2023-10-16
Http Interceptor
Http Interceptor
@drgottjr · 2023-10-12
FirebaseAdmin Library
FirebaseAdmin Library
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2023-10-08
B4ALibraryGPS/location/maps [LATEST]
FusedLocationProviderGMS [Latest]
This is a new FusedLocationProviderGMS library that is based on the latest version of Google Mobile Services (GMS)
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-10-07
SpeechToText - Continuous Offline Voice Recognition
This is a wrapper of Acephei VOSK , With this, you can add continuous offline speech recognition feature to your application.
@Biswajit · 2023-09-27
PuzzleTak_AudioPlayer and Visualizer
Music playback library, which comes with the ability to display a Visualizer.
@PuzzleTak · 2023-08-25
I gathered in a Codefile a lot of the code about TTS that goes around in the Forum and I added to it some code and changed it a bit to fit my needs. I created this Codefile with a bunch of Subs and Functions that would be useful (I believe) to all of you. So here is it...
@hatzisn · 2023-08-23
B4ALibraryDrawing [BAX][XUI]
SD XUI_View3D (Demo) [BAX] [XUI]
I created a library to display polygons in 3D. It is also possible to use it to create 3D XUI views.
@Star-Dust · 2023-08-18
B4ALibraryList- and scrollview [CLASS]
CLVDragger - drag to reorder items Animation effect [class]
CLVDragger - drag to reorder items Animation effect [class]
@chjk · 2023-08-06
B4ALibraryFile handling
FilePicker with PickVisualMedia in Android 13!
FilePicker with PickVisualMedia in Android 13!
@tuhatinhvn · 2023-07-26
Source Code - ReplyAuto
I''m posting these files because many of me lost the source code of the ReplyAuto library: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...-whatsapp-telegram-background-service.138920/ Download Eclipse to edit and compile the library
@jsaplication.mobile · 2023-07-17
Push messages / Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
@Erel · 2023-06-26
PermissionsManager is a library that enables the management of runtime permissions. This library completely replaces the standard RuntimePermissions library with the addition of modern dangerous permissions and special permissions that require approval via the settings application.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-05-15
B4ALibraryB4Xpages [B4A]
AndroidPages - B4XPages alternative with orientation support [B4A]
AndroidPages - B4XPages alternative with orientation support [B4A]
@Spavlyuk · 2023-04-15
AdsHelperFromStarter - AdsHelper for Traditional B4A Apps & More
AdsHelperFromStarter - AdsHelper for Traditional B4A Apps & More
@Jack Cole · 2023-04-12
B4ALibraryViews - effects [LIB][B4A]
BMTypeWriter [LIB] [B4A]
Create a simple TypeWriter Effect on any TextView
@Brian Michael · 2023-04-03
OSMDroid 6 BonusPack
This library is an addition to the OSMDroid 6 library. Contains additional classes and methods for geocoding, reverse geocoding, POIs, Routing and others. This library is based on the original GitHub library version 6.9.0, but I had to rework some classes due to deprecation to make them functional.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-04-03
OSMDroid 6 Mapsforge
This library is an addition to the OSMDroid 6 library and enables the display of Mapsforge offline maps in the OSMDroid6 MapView. Mapsforge maps are vector maps, which allows the size of the map file to be several tens of times smaller.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-04-03
Exoplayer 2.18.0 RTMP Player
Exoplayer 2.18.5 RTMP Player
@Addo · 2023-04-02
SD: MenuClose
I had the need to create a menu when it is required to exit App from the Back button of the device but also from the home button. So I have to create something similar to closing the device.
@Star-Dust · 2023-04-01
OkHttpUtils2 v3.02
All previous versions of OkHttpUtils2 relied on a service. In the new version HttpUtils2Service is actually a receiver. It should be transparent for developers.
@Erel · 2023-03-22
MLwifi Library Updated to v4.00
Due to issues with using MLwifi with Android Q+, I have updated some of the core functions to work correctly with pre Q as well as Q+
@Computersmith64 · 2023-02-11
B4ALibraryGoogle [UNTESTED BETA]
In-App Review Library [untested Beta] - need someone to test library
In-App Review Library [untested Beta] - need someone to test library
@Pendrush · 2023-01-15
SD Floating Button StandOut
A flying button that always stands out even on other Apps On the Desktop.
@Star-Dust · 2023-01-10
B4xLanguage - Localize your B4a+B4i applications
B4xLanguage - Localize your B4a+B4i applications
@Filippo · 2023-01-05
BLE 2 - Bluetooth Low Energy
BLE 2 - Bluetooth Low Energy
@Erel · 2023-01-04