TDDBUtils Functions to handle SQLite and SQLCipher
This library supports the development of database driven Application (SQLite3/SQLCipher 4) with a growing (Work in Process) list of handy functions to make developers life easier.
@Guenter Becker · 2022-06-29
extended Native Views
Add extra properties to views
@Guenter Becker · 2022-06-27
FirebaseAdMob2 - Google Mobile Ads SDK v20+
FirebaseAdMob2 - Google Mobile Ads SDK v20+
@Erel · 2022-06-07
SVGAPlayer Library
SVGAPlayer is a light-weight animation renderer. You use tools to export svga file from Adobe Animate CC or Adobe After Effects, and then use SVGAPlayer to render animation on mobile application.
@Addo · 2022-06-04
B4ActivityManager: detect bots using your app
I needed to detect bots to block and found that can be handled by the activity manager using the functions isRunningInUserTestHarness and isUserAMonkey then I developed a wrapper around.
@Alejandro Moyano · 2022-05-15
SD DragBoard
This library contains three classes. The first "DragBoard" allows you to move single-label labels (containing only one string) from one column to another, to activate the shift by clicking a longer touch. Delete or edit each item by clicking a shortcut (if enabled by customView). It supports the addition of a single item for each column (CustomView enabled) and the alphabetical sorting of entries within a column (enabled by CustoView) The second "DragPanel" allows you to move Panels from one column to another (each panel can hold any view object you want, the panel should not be changed in dimension, and the background in Color should not be changed). To activate the move, click on a longer touch. To erase or edit each item by clicking a shortcut (if enabled by customView). And will raise an event that invokes a sub in your app you manage to edit. It supports the event by adding a single item for each column (CustomView enabled) and the event sorting by alpha (CustoView enabled). These events are handled by you in the sub which is raised. The third "DragListView" is a listview that allows you to move individual entries from one line to another by dragging, it can contain one or two lines of text and a Swicht button (You can also access the panel to add more objects but the Events will not be managed by the library). To activate the move, click on a longer touch. Capture or edit every single element by clicking a short touch (if activated by customView). And will raise an event that invokes a sub in your app you manage to edit. It supports the event by adding a single item for each column (CustomView enabled) and the event sorting by alpha (CustoView enabled). These events are handled by you in the sub which is raised. All three also have a title bar. The bar can contain the Confirm button (if enabled) and delete (if enabled).m On the left also contains the menu button, which raises an event. If enabled by customView, the Menu button in addition to lifting an event opens a panel to the left. The panel can hold what you want. A listView, a menu etc ...
@Star-Dust · 2022-05-11
An Android port (with added features) of Josef Jelinek''s AnimCube Java Web applet. This applet is aimed at showing animation of Rubik''s cube manipulation.
@Johan Schoeman · 2022-04-23
Avatar Generator
This library gives you avatar like Telegram. You can set color or use unique color based on your label.
@MilaDesign · 2022-04-15
EDK_Notification [Sliding Notification] [BETA] [B4A] [B4i] [XUI]
A toast-like notification
@Ertan · 2022-04-08
IronSource Ads
IronSource Ads
@Pendrush · 2022-04-07
Uri2Tools - Library. [B4A]
Uri2Tools provides information such as: - Dir (i.e. full path name of the file) - FileName (i.e. the name of the file) - FullPath (i.e. the full path name of the file) - NamePath (i.e. the name of the folder) - MimeType (i.e. file type "mime_type") - Modified (ie the date of last modification "last_modified") - RealName (i.e. the real file name) - Size (i.e. file size) - SizeUnit (i.e. file size (example: 32MB)) - Success (i.e. the status of the operation''s success (Load ("* / *", "Choose file")) in addition, it provides information: - GetSDKversion (i.e. a working version of the SDK on the phone) - DirRootExternal (i.e. the name of the full path on the device) - ExtSDCard (i.e. the name of the full path of the external memory) - OnlyDevice (i.e. checks if the phone has additional external memory)
@T201016 · 2022-03-22
ColourThief [Cross platform colour palette generating algorithm]
This is a port to B4X of the original ColorThief algorithm by Lokesh Dhakar.
@John Naylor · 2022-03-16
TapCard - scan your NFC enabled Bank Card with your NFC enable device
TapCard - scan your NFC enabled Bank Card with your NFC enable device
@Johan Schoeman · 2022-03-12
TDDButils Database Management for SQlite and SQLiteCipher
TDDButils Database Management for SQlite and SQLiteCipher
@Guenter Becker · 2022-03-09
ReplyAuto - Library Response WhatsApp, Telegram [background service]
ReplyAuto - Library Response WhatsApp, Telegram [background service] · 2022-03-04
extended editText view
extended editText view
@Guenter Becker · 2022-03-02
TDSLinput [masked extended EditText]
TDSLinput stands for TechDoc Single Line input. It is a Custom View (XUI) for the use with Anywhere B4A Suite. The view is usable by the Designer Tool of the suite or by code. The view is developed in B4A Language and compiled to a B4A Library (JAR/XML) to be used as external and additional library for the suite. TDSLinput creates a flexible single line input form. The form structure is based on an individual or a predefined Mask. On the screen it looks like a formatted EditText View with special features.
@Guenter Becker · 2022-03-02
Firebase Email/Password authentication
Wrap to integrate firebase auth email/password authentication.
@Enrico Fuoti · 2022-02-25
Flutterwave B4A Android Library
This is a library for easy integration of Flutterwave with your Android application with B4A. Use this library in your B4A project.
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2022-02-23
ShThumbUpButton [Wrapped]
A nice thumbs up control
@Salar82 · 2022-02-06
Play RTSP easily
Play RTSP easily
@darabon · 2022-02-02
SunCalc B4XLib
SunCalc is a tiny BSD-licensed library originally written in JavaScript for calculating sun position, sunlight phases (times for sunrise, sunset, dusk, etc.), moon position and lunar phase for the given location and time.
@John Naylor · 2022-01-27
AdColony Library
AdColony Library
@Pendrush · 2022-01-13
Firebase RemoteConfig [NEW]
This is a wrapper of the Firebase RemoteConfig library for B4A.
@Biswajit · 2022-01-12
PreoptimizedCLV - Lazy loading extension for xCustomListView
This is a cross platform class that extends xCustomListView and makes it "lazier".
@Erel · 2022-01-04
Arbitrary length decimal and integer calculations for financial and other applications requiring absolute accuracy
@Agraham · 2021-12-28
Webp - new options
This is an update to @Pendrush''s image conversion library.
@drgottjr · 2021-12-15
My Head[er] Hurts
Detect the method that was used to carry out the compression
@drgottjr · 2021-12-11
Google Play Games Services [New]
This is a complete wrapper of the latest Google Play Games Services (v17.2.1)
@Biswajit · 2021-11-29
Financial Functions
Financial Functions
@Col · 2021-11-28