Google Maps POI details
In Google maps there are more than 100 million businesses and points of interest that are updated frequently through owner-verified listings and user-moderated contributions. In order to get details of one of these, when an user click on it on maps, you need a key. After followed this tutorial, add this code
@Emme Developer · 2017-11-02
Wifi dis/connection event
This code snippet checks when WIFI will be connect or disconnect. Note that this works only for wifi event, if you want any connection event you should use instead android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE (in this case this code will not work).
@Emme Developer · 2017-11-01
JSON - GetObjFromPath()
This code helps you navigate JSON trees like a boss!
@wonder · 2017-10-30
SQlite: Backup database and alter table
Here''s a little sub to backup and alter a table (assuming you have all the SQlite parts in the starter service). The sub checks if the column is already defined. Of course you can leave the loop at once with a return. For debug reasons I''ve used a Boolean here.
@KMatle · 2017-10-30
PDF: Calculate chars per line/lines per page
PDF: Calculate chars per line/lines per page
@KMatle · 2017-10-29
Non-centered Custom layout dialog
This example uses JavaObject to change the CustomLayoutDialog position. It also demonstrates how to access the layout fields and how to make sure that the keyboard is closed when the dialog is dismissed.
@Erel · 2017-10-26
SD: MsgBox re-stylized
There are many libraries that update and modify MsgBox and all interesting, but no one meets my needs. So I created someone I did. I hope someone else might be useful. It''s not a library. Only snippets of code. Does not require any additional library. You can include on your sources or you can wrap them into Class.
@Star-Dust · 2017-10-23
Simple Halo Animation
Code to create a nice halo animation
@Erel · 2017-10-17
isIn() - Python ''In''
isIn() - Find anything in anything!! :) Replicates the behavior of the Python keyword ''in'' which returns true if something is part of something else
@wonder · 2017-10-04
B4ASnippetB4A [A:B]
PyRange() - Python index operator [a:b]
Obtain any object or range of objects (or characters from a String), using square brackets, just like in Python.
@wonder · 2017-10-04
Python Modulo
In Python, the modulo (%) of a negative number is calculated differently providing us a more useful result for real-life applications.
@wonder · 2017-10-04
Check an update server, fetch and install a new app version
Check an update server, fetch and install a new app version
@nwhitfield · 2017-09-27
Get Firebase shortlink from long dynamic link
Code to get a shortlink from a long dynamic deeplink via "Firebase Dynamic Links REST API"
@fredo · 2017-09-25
Set HTTP Request Header with HttpUtils2
Set HTTP Request Header with HttpUtils2
@Erel · 2017-09-17
Simulating Android App Contacts behavior
I have needed a kind of email address manager and I have added it the Android App Contacts behavior using a CustomListView, an sticky first char while scrolling.
@Manuel Martinez · 2017-09-11
B4ASnippetList- and scrollview
ScrollView properties
ScrollView properties
@klaus · 2017-09-08
Change ACMenuItem Icon Color
A simple code to change the color of icons in ACMenuItem. Code can be used also to change another else BitmapDrawable
@Emme Developer · 2017-09-06
Mathemetics Pendulum
A not very useful animated pendulum.
@Erel · 2017-09-05
Animated Border
The CircularProgressBar class includes a generic animation code that you can use to create all kinds of animations.
@Erel · 2017-09-04
Boolean as Int (as in C/C++/Python)
Boolean as Int (as in C/C++/Python)
@wonder · 2017-09-01
Block Stack - with source
I decided to post the source code for a simple block stacking game I''ve written using the libGDX library. It uses the shaperenderer to draw the blocks and stack, this isn''t the best way of doing it as I''ve read that the shape renderer batch is not the fastest, but it seems to work fine for my game. It''s a simple 2D version of Stack by Ketchapp. It''s very simple so I thought it might help people to learn basic libgdx commands easier.
@andymc · 2017-08-23
Intent: search and play song
With this intent, you can directly search and play any song from your device. No need to search for music files or requesting extra permissions. Get more info here: https://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-common.html#Music
@Multiverse app · 2017-08-20
Voice Recognition with Resumable Subs
The ability of resumable subs to return values (added in B4A v7.3) makes it very simple to add voice recognition to your app.
@Erel · 2017-08-17
B4ASnippetFile handling
Sanitize Filename
Code to make sure a string complies with standard filename rules.
@fredo · 2017-08-07
Stored Procedure with Parameter IN / OUT
I have seen in several threads that they wondered how to perform and receive the results from stored procedures with IN / OUT parameters. There may be a procedure to call where we need to pass values and return a set (IN) or a procedure that returns a result (OUT).
@MarcoRome · 2017-08-02
CustomLayoutDialog with CustomListView
CustomLayoutDialog with CustomListView
@Erel · 2017-07-30
B4ASnippetGPS/location/maps [COORDINATES]
Distance Features [Coordinates]
I added a new feature to my apps yesterday, this feature show you as text how far you are from the other coordinate. This looks so: within 1 kilometer: very close More than 1 kilometer: near More than 5 kilometers: far More than 10 kilometers: 10KM, if 15 kilometers then 15KM
@Alexander Stolte · 2017-07-25
GoogleDrive via API V3
GoogleDrive via API V3
@mw71 · 2017-06-18
B4ASnippetFile xfer
Download image or file from a website
Download image or file from a website
@Erel · 2017-06-15
Color Picker 2
Code to create a simple color picker based on an image
@Erel · 2017-06-05