B4A on Linux 2022
B4A on Linux 2022
@Raboebie · 2022-06-04
B4ATutorialUI design
Creative UI/UX Designs + Source Code
Creative UI/UX Designs + Source Code
@Reckless · 2022-05-31
Important note about B4XPages projects
B4XMainPage is shared by all the sister projects (B4A, B4I, B4J)
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2022-05-30
MQTT Topic best practice
MQTT Topic best practice
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2022-05-24
Read NFC Tags !
In this project You can scan your Ndef or NFC tags very simply.
@Justcooldev · 2022-05-10
Offline Continuous Speech Recognition
Offline Continuous Speech Recognition
@stevel05 · 2022-05-06
DJI virtual stick-tutorial, waypoint-mission for DJI Mini- and Air-series
DJI virtual stick-tutorial, waypoint-mission for DJI Mini- and Air-series
@schimanski · 2022-04-24
B4ATutorialB4A [TOOL]
Make your own notification icon with an ASCII and/or a FontAwesome/Material Icons character [Tool]
I wanted an easy way to create simple B4A notification icons consisting of a letter and a symbol; the symbol could then show things like ''there is a message'' / ''there are no messages'' / ''there is no network connection''. So I came up with MakeNotificationPng. Attached you''ll find the B4J project as well as a small B4A app (TestNotificationPng) with which you can test the generated icons.
@walt61 · 2022-03-28
Convert collections to json and vice versa
There is a new JSON type which is used to convert maps or lists to json strings and vice versa, using the new As keyword. The idea is that you have a collection or string, you direct the compiler to treat it as "JSON" and then convert it to a string or a collection.
@Erel · 2022-03-27
Get real display size in inch
You can get the exact screen diagonal size (in inch) using this simple routine.
@yo3ggx · 2022-03-27
B4ATutorialIntent [API 30]
Custom Intent Provider Requester Services, updated for Android 11 [API 30]
Custom Intent Provider Requester Services, updated for Android 11 [API 30]
@swChef · 2022-03-26
B4ATutorialFile handling [S]
Share/Show file[s] from internal
Here''s a small example how to show/share file(s) from the internal storage (benefits: no permissions are needed)
@KMatle · 2022-03-25
B4ATutorialFile handling
My way to work with local DB
I save the SQLite DB used by my apps in the directory corresponding to File.DirInternal, which is the app''s exclusive space. This, however, prevents you from accessing the DB from outside (directly from Windows explorer) and checking the changes made by the app. It would be possible to get that DB if it were in rp.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal (rp = RuntimePermissions).
@LucaMs · 2022-03-17
Runtime Permissions (Android 6.0+ Permissions)
The nice thing about runtime permissions is that the user is not asked for any permission when they install your application from Google Play. Instead they will be asked to approve "dangerous" permissions at runtime.
@Erel · 2022-03-16
Inline Java Code
Inline Java Code
@Erel · 2022-02-24
B4A Book Now Covers Version 11.20
B4A Book Now Covers Version 11.20
@PhilipBrown · 2022-02-07
Vicino - Your wallet in my pocket
The attached is a simplistic demonstration of contactless (NFC) credit card recognition.
@drgottjr · 2022-02-06
B4ATutorialUI design
Project 8 - Exploring UI capabilities
I recently set out to do some exploration to see how much I can achieve by using jut B4a internal tools(libraries) for an apps UI.
@Marvel · 2022-01-31
Data Safety Admob
If you recieved an email about submiting Data Safety form at Google Play Console and your apps using Admob, you can watch this video to guide you.
@yiankos1 · 2022-01-30
min3D framework Samples
min3D framework Samples (e.g. Texture Offset)
@Johan Schoeman · 2022-01-30
Create Custom Keyboard Layout for Coding
Sometimes it is really annoying to have keys we use so often to be lying in most inaccessible parts of keyboard. And to make the matter worse they might also involve combination of shift etc. You can create a custom keyboard layout which you can switch to easily in Windows 10/11 on need basis.
@mohsyn · 2022-01-27
OpenGL ES - NeHe sample projects
OpenGL ES - NeHe sample projects
@Johan Schoeman · 2022-01-23
Webview & File.DirAssets - Enough Already
Webview & File.DirAssets - Enough Already
@drgottjr · 2022-01-23
B4ATutorialPush notifications
Google Push notification over ipv6
Google Push notification over ipv6
@hatzisn · 2022-01-14
B4ATutorialAction Bar, Drawer, etc
Immersive Mode - hide the navigation bar
Immersive mode means full screen mode where the navigation bar is also hidden. The user can bring back the bars by swiping near the edges.
@Erel · 2022-01-05
How to draw S-curved arrows between boxes / rectangles
How to draw S-curved arrows between boxes / rectangles
@Sandman · 2021-12-22
The result of swiping an app from the recent apps list
The result of swiping an app from the recent apps list. One of the new features of Android 4 is the more powerful recent apps list. The user can remove tasks or applications from the list with a swipe gesture. The result of this action is not fully documented. So I ran some tests and these are the findings
@Erel · 2021-12-21
B4X - Use of Regex
I have found this site which teaches you and allows you to check the use of regex for matching strings etc.
@hatzisn · 2021-12-20
B4x on Mac M1with Parallels and Windows 11 Arm
B4x on Mac M1with Parallels and Windows 11 Arm
@ThorstenStueker · 2021-12-17
Remote SQL Server Interface
Send a sql statement to a remote SQL server and get the tabular results back
@rhanger · 2021-12-14