An Android port (with added features) of Josef Jelinek''s AnimCube Java Web applet. This applet is aimed at showing animation of Rubik''s cube manipulation.
@Johan Schoeman · 2022-04-23
Block Phone Screen from turned off
This solution gives the user the possibility tu override the phone screen off timeout. The settings values will not affected (Button btAn). After override the button color turns yellow. After doing his actions while the screen is on the user is able to reset back to the standard settings screen timeout (Button btClose) the button color turns back to blue.
@Guenter Becker · 2022-04-21
B4AClassCalendar [B4A][CLASS][CALENDAR]
Class wmCalendar - Android calendar manipulation based on DonManfred''s explorations [B4A] [Class] [Calendar]
Class wmCalendar - Android calendar manipulation based on DonManfred''s explorations [B4A] [Class] [Calendar]
@walt61 · 2022-04-19
Avatar Generator
This library gives you avatar like Telegram. You can set color or use unique color based on your label.
@MilaDesign · 2022-04-15
EDK_Notification [Sliding Notification] [BETA] [B4A] [B4i] [XUI]
A toast-like notification
@Ertan · 2022-04-08
IronSource Ads
IronSource Ads
@Pendrush · 2022-04-07
Play Games Services - Example and Class
Last year, I commissioned Biswajit to write a library for the new Google Play Games Services library. To manage the complexity of the code, I wrote a class called GamePlayLeaderboardsAndAchievements. I put together an example app that demonstrates the functionality of the library and class.
@Jack Cole · 2022-04-02
B4ATutorialB4A [TOOL]
Make your own notification icon with an ASCII and/or a FontAwesome/Material Icons character [Tool]
I wanted an easy way to create simple B4A notification icons consisting of a letter and a symbol; the symbol could then show things like ''there is a message'' / ''there are no messages'' / ''there is no network connection''. So I came up with MakeNotificationPng. Attached you''ll find the B4J project as well as a small B4A app (TestNotificationPng) with which you can test the generated icons.
@walt61 · 2022-03-28
Convert collections to json and vice versa
There is a new JSON type which is used to convert maps or lists to json strings and vice versa, using the new As keyword. The idea is that you have a collection or string, you direct the compiler to treat it as "JSON" and then convert it to a string or a collection.
@Erel · 2022-03-27
Get real display size in inch
You can get the exact screen diagonal size (in inch) using this simple routine.
@yo3ggx · 2022-03-27
B4ATutorialIntent [API 30]
Custom Intent Provider Requester Services, updated for Android 11 [API 30]
Custom Intent Provider Requester Services, updated for Android 11 [API 30]
@swChef · 2022-03-26
B4ATutorialFile handling [S]
Share/Show file[s] from internal
Here''s a small example how to show/share file(s) from the internal storage (benefits: no permissions are needed)
@KMatle · 2022-03-25
Elevation Color
This extends Erels XUI shadow function to use the color parameter also in B4A, by using setOutlineAmbientShadowColor and etOutlineSpotShadowColor. Works since API 28.
@Blueforcer · 2022-03-24
B4ALibraryFile handling [B4A]
Uri2Tools - Library. [B4A]
Uri2Tools provides information such as: - Dir (i.e. full path name of the file) - FileName (i.e. the name of the file) - FullPath (i.e. the full path name of the file) - NamePath (i.e. the name of the folder) - MimeType (i.e. file type "mime_type") - Modified (ie the date of last modification "last_modified") - RealName (i.e. the real file name) - Size (i.e. file size) - SizeUnit (i.e. file size (example: 32MB)) - Success (i.e. the status of the operation''s success (Load ("* / *", "Choose file")) in addition, it provides information: - GetSDKversion (i.e. a working version of the SDK on the phone) - DirRootExternal (i.e. the name of the full path on the device) - ExtSDCard (i.e. the name of the full path of the external memory) - OnlyDevice (i.e. checks if the phone has additional external memory)
@T201016 · 2022-03-22
B4ATutorialFile handling
My way to work with local DB
I save the SQLite DB used by my apps in the directory corresponding to File.DirInternal, which is the app''s exclusive space. This, however, prevents you from accessing the DB from outside (directly from Windows explorer) and checking the changes made by the app. It would be possible to get that DB if it were in rp.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal (rp = RuntimePermissions).
@LucaMs · 2022-03-17
ColourThief [Cross platform colour palette generating algorithm]
This is a port to B4X of the original ColorThief algorithm by Lokesh Dhakar.
@John Naylor · 2022-03-16
Runtime Permissions (Android 6.0+ Permissions)
The nice thing about runtime permissions is that the user is not asked for any permission when they install your application from Google Play. Instead they will be asked to approve "dangerous" permissions at runtime.
@Erel · 2022-03-16
B4ASnippetGPS/location/maps [OSM VIEWER]
Addition to B4XMap [OSM viewer]
Using this very nice OSM map viewer https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4xmap-open-street-map-viewer.138028/ I didn''t like the blue diagonals that will show for the area outside the map, so added some code that will prevent that and also avoids trips to the map DB, looking for tiles that are not there.
@RB Smissaert · 2022-03-14
TapCard - scan your NFC enabled Bank Card with your NFC enable device
TapCard - scan your NFC enabled Bank Card with your NFC enable device
@Johan Schoeman · 2022-03-12
TDDButils Database Management for SQlite and SQLiteCipher
TDDButils Database Management for SQlite and SQLiteCipher
@Guenter Becker · 2022-03-09
ReplyAuto - Library Response WhatsApp, Telegram [background service]
ReplyAuto - Library Response WhatsApp, Telegram [background service]
@jsaplication.mobile · 2022-03-04
extended editText view
extended editText view
@Guenter Becker · 2022-03-02
B4ALibraryEditText/Textview/TextArea/TextField [MASKED EXTENDED EDITTEXT]
TDSLinput [masked extended EditText]
TDSLinput stands for TechDoc Single Line input. It is a Custom View (XUI) for the use with Anywhere B4A Suite. The view is usable by the Designer Tool of the suite or by code. The view is developed in B4A Language and compiled to a B4A Library (JAR/XML) to be used as external and additional library for the suite. TDSLinput creates a flexible single line input form. The form structure is based on an individual or a predefined Mask. On the screen it looks like a formatted EditText View with special features.
@Guenter Becker · 2022-03-02
Firebase Email/Password authentication
Wrap to integrate firebase auth email/password authentication.
@Enrico Fuoti · 2022-02-25
Inline Java Code
Inline Java Code
@Erel · 2022-02-24
Flutterwave B4A Android Library
This is a library for easy integration of Flutterwave with your Android application with B4A. Use this library in your B4A project.
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2022-02-23
XSpeechRecognizer Android 11+ [Fix isRecognitionAvailable always false]
XSpeechRecognizer Android 11+ [Fix isRecognitionAvailable always false]
@Mike1970 · 2022-02-18
Increase B4XSearchTemplate without losing title bar [.bas changes] [Solution]
Increase B4XSearchTemplate without losing title bar [.bas changes] [Solution]
@AnandGupta · 2022-02-11
B4A Book Now Covers Version 11.20
B4A Book Now Covers Version 11.20
@PhilipBrown · 2022-02-07
B4ALibraryButton [WRAPPED]
ShThumbUpButton [Wrapped]
A nice thumbs up control
@Salar82 · 2022-02-06