NB6 class - additional functions
NB6 class - additional functions
@wes58 · 2021-12-08
Contextual Menu in CLV item justified Label to select text
Select the text of a LABEL in the CLV items and later color those portions of text
@endbyte · 2021-12-02
Keep your codes
Store notes encrypted with a password or PIN
@yeroen · 2021-12-02
B4A Ui
I have a channel on YouTube that records ui training in b4a environment
@ramezaniabbas · 2021-11-30
Firebasemessaging [FCM]: Receive messages in doze/sleep mode
Issue: Device doesn''t receive FCM messages while in sleep/doze mode. Important to know: Google uses 2 different api''s with different keywords.
@KMatle · 2021-11-29
Google Play Games Services [New]
This is a complete wrapper of the latest Google Play Games Services (v17.2.1)
@Biswajit · 2021-11-29
Financial Functions
Financial Functions
@Col · 2021-11-28
Conversion of B4A to B4XPages
The conversion of the first of my B4A Apps to the newer B4XPages structure was not trivial and involved over 20 hours of research, overcoming misunderstandings, and finding answers to many questions. This document is intended to be a reference for anyone that undertakes the task. Hopefully, it will help speed up the process.
@Cliff McKibbin · 2021-11-26
ZXingLib enhanced
Enhanced version of ZXingLib
@Johan Schoeman · 2021-11-25
WhatsApp Automation
1- Auto Reply You can set up the options that the user can pick from and once the user picks an option you can set up the reply to that option 2- Saving every what''s app notification to SQLite Database and you can access it from Notification Activity (within the app) 3- The App works on accessibility service, meaning you don''t have to do anything, it will automatically do the job (Inspired by the Teamviewer alternative) 4- Enable/Disable the service when ever your would like. 5-You can send files (PDF or Images) or Texts as an auto reply
@sfsameer · 2021-11-21
Find a missing value using Approximation & Guesswork [Goal Seek]
Find a missing value using Approximation & Guesswork [Goal Seek]
@Col · 2021-11-18
Conversion from CUrl to B4A
It is quite convenient to upload images to public cloud server and share the image link to other people rather than share the real image files directly! The following code snippets showed how to upload and search images by CUrl command (provided by: https://apidocs.imgur.com/) and by B4A syntax.
@Wong Ka Chun · 2021-11-17
Access an MS-Access db on a network
@Ryan Pigeon · 2021-11-17
Social Network created by B4A [Chat included]
Social Network created by B4A [Chat included]
@Serge Nova · 2021-11-16
TBirdSync: Thunderbird contacts/calendar/tasks mirroring from PC to Android (sources included)
TBirdSync: Thunderbird contacts/calendar/tasks mirroring from PC to Android (sources included)
@walt61 · 2021-11-13
CovidPass - the reader
Decodes a Covid pass QR code
@drgottjr · 2021-11-10
Amazing Order Taking App [Installation Guide]
Amazing Order Taking App [Installation Guide]
@aeric · 2021-11-09
Supermarket, Restaurant, Pharmacy, Store Delivery [Installation Guide] [B4A]
Supermarket, Restaurant, Pharmacy, Store Delivery [Installation Guide] [B4A]
@aeric · 2021-11-09
Paystack B4A Android Library
This is a library for easy integration of Paystack with your Android application with B4A.
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2021-11-08
Rasberry Pi4
Installing Android 10 on the Raspberry 4
@skyracer90 · 2021-11-08
ClsWheel Input wheels [Class]
ClsWheel Input wheels [Class]
@klaus · 2021-11-04
Extends the Animation library by adding the interpolators, new parameters, new drawables and the AnimationSet. Can be used for tweened animations or image-by-image animations.
@Informatix · 2021-11-03
MetroUI_TimeEdit [B4A] [B4i]
A component that can be useful if you are dealing with time zones. You can manage Hours - Minutes and Seconds as you wish.
@Ertan · 2021-10-29
Get click data on polylines, polygons, and circles. [B4A] [GoogleMap]
Get click data on polylines, polygons, and circles. [B4A] [GoogleMap]
@TILogistic · 2021-10-28
Real State App UI Example + Source Code [UI] [B4A]
Real Estate App UI Example + Source Code [UI] [B4A]
@XToolsGroup · 2021-10-28
PHPMailer(https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer) is a code library to send emails safely and easily via PHP code from a web server. This B4A Library is to allow sending of Emails in B4A Apps with online PHP servers.
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2021-10-27
FlowMenu - Sleek Animated Menu [B4A]
FlowMenu - Sleek Animated Menu [B4A]
@mohsyn · 2021-10-22
Now you can debug android app directly under Windows11
Now you can debug android app directly under Windows11
@laomms · 2021-10-21
WhatsApp call
Start a WhatsApp call from your app
@Pendrush · 2021-10-16
Launching a TextEditor with a parameter on startup [SOLVED]
Launching a TextEditor with a parameter on startup [SOLVED]
@T201016 · 2021-10-15