B4X - OpenAI - a class to work with OpenAI in your B4X-Project
B4X - OpenAI - a class to work with OpenAI in your B4X-Project
@DonManfred · 2024-04-08
Getting the user''s email address on a device
Getting the user''s email address on a device
@Dave O · 2024-03-30
Log to USB [Root]
The `Log2USB` function is designed to facilitate logging within Android applications by writing log entries to a text file (`SystemLog.txt`) located on the first accessible USB drive without Userinput. It requires root access due to its use of the `SuShell` component to execute Unix commands.
@Blueforcer · 2024-03-13
Share SQLite database between 2 devices
Share SQLite database between 2 devices
@aeric · 2024-03-13
Android UI components 2024 - TUMMO UI
Android UI components 2024 - TUMMO UI
@tummosoft · 2024-03-12
VR Headset with B4A.
VR Headset with B4A.
@js486dog · 2024-03-12
Animation easing functions
Animation easing functions
@klaus · 2024-03-09
B4XDrawer Extension
B4XDrawer with tree structure, icons, colours
@Guenter Becker · 2024-03-08
xSQLCipher for Android Sqlcipher 4.5.4
This library is modified based on Erel''s source code. I tried popular SQLCipher libraries like Zetetic, Guardianproject but Sqlcipher worked better, even though this library is no longer updated.
@tummosoft · 2024-03-04
Encrypted databases. SQLCipher is an open source project that extends SQLite and adds full database encryption. B4A SQLCipher object is a special subtype of SQL object. There is almost no need to change any code in order to switch from regular SQL to SQLCipher.
@Erel · 2024-03-03
To get bitmaps of thumbnails of your videos or images on device with MediaStore
To get bitmaps of thumbnails of your videos or images on device with MediaStore
@GeoT · 2024-02-27
DIY NTP Network Atomic Clock Time
DIY NTP Network Atomic Clock Time
@emexes · 2024-02-25
Dynamic [Random String] Example
Dynamic [Random String] Example
@Eng. Nizar · 2024-02-20
Code Multi Devices
Adjusts the ImageView to fit the display
@Sailboat11 · 2024-02-15
Customise GATT Services - BLEPeripheral2Enhanced
I''ve added the following features to the original BlePeripheral2 V1.12 library which I''ve renamed to BlePeripheral2Enhanced V1.5.: Create a custom primary service with your own unique UUID Create multiple characteristics with your own unique UUIDs under the primary service UUID Characteristics can be set to either Read and Write, just Read or just Write Set notifications Get the sending characteristic UUID Get the received data as a String, Hexadecimal or Binary
@Peter Simpson · 2024-02-11
B-POS - Simple point of sale
B-POS is a fairly simple point of sale app that''s designed to run on a tablet and enable the sale of merchandise at events.
@nwhitfield · 2024-02-05
Check if an IP Address is Private or Public
Check if an IP Address is Private or Public
@max123 · 2024-01-29
Android Watch with B4A.
Android Watch with B4A.
@js486dog · 2024-01-27
Create a B4X library with Android Studio - Step by step
Create a B4X library with Android Studio - Step by step
@zolive33 · 2024-01-26
Digital Low-Pass Filter [algorithm]
Helps to smooth signals and remove/reduce the signal noise if any. This is used in electronics to remove noise, prevent spikes and more, see RC (Resistor-Condenser) filter. LPF can be used to filter sensor readings and more.
@max123 · 2024-01-26
ESC/POS Thermal Printer
ESC/POS Thermal Printer
@roberto64 · 2024-01-26
Disable Admob Native Ad validator
Disable Admob Native Ad validator
@asales · 2024-01-22
Athom Pre-Flashed TASMOTA Infrared Remote Controller with B4X [Home Automation]
Athom Pre-Flashed TASMOTA Infrared Remote Controller with B4X [Home Automation]
@walt61 · 2024-01-14
CustomMinimalSlider - Minimalistic slider that can do slider or progress bar [B4A]
CustomMinimalSlider - Minimalistic slider that can do slider or progress bar [B4A]
@max123 · 2024-01-14
UltimateWebView Custom View
(Deprecated) Downloading files, webrtc service, geolocation service, uploading files from local memory, uploading files from the camera, using javascripts, etc.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2024-01-01
WebkitLibrariesSet [successor to UltimateWebView]
(Deprecated) WebkitLibrariesSet [successor to UltimateWebView]
@Ivica Golubovic · 2024-01-01
Findings [SUPABASE]
Supabase tips
@yiankos1 · 2023-12-31
The UltimateWebView2 library is the successor of the WebkitLibrarySet and old UltimateWebView library. This library is a complete java wrapper, while the previous versions are a B4X libraries. This opens up many possibilities in the functioning of the library as well as for future updates.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2023-12-31
Library SnowfallView
PTX SnowfallView is a graphical library for creating a snowfall effect in B4A applications. It provides various customization options to enhance the visual experience.
@PuzzleTak · 2023-12-28
B4a Janus Webrtc Audio Bridge Library
B4a Janus Webrtc Audio Bridge Library
@Addo · 2023-12-25