InputList for B4I
@Star-Dust · 2023-06-01
InputList for B4I
Custom view that shows PDF files, including password protected files.
Starting from iOS 13 it is possible to write Ndef tags. NFCEx adds writing support to iNFC library.
This class extends GoogleMaps library.
B4i [class] CLVDragger - drag to reorder items in customlistview
Color Picker [class] [custom view]
The RichString class uses NativeObject to create attributed strings. Similar to B4A RichString library.
FilePicker for iOS [CLASS]
ActivityClass: A cross-platform development class and strategy for b4i/b4a
A class that creates local notifications based on the newer iOS 10+ API. The notifications are configured to show even when the app is in the foreground. You can also add actions to the notification.
For my personal need, i had to write a small class in order receive notification when the app is showing (foreground).
XALAssets - an improved ALAssets wrapper for photo library management [Class]
Small class (BitmapEx) for following tasks 1) Getting photos with metadata similar Camera app 2) Disable autorotate (not all external viewers understand "orientation")
Photo management library based on PHAsset [CLASS]
FaceDetector is a class that uses Apple''s Vision framework which was introduced with iOS11. The class basically returns a list of detected faces, and each face consists of a list of floats which represent the x and y coordinates of various face landmarks. The class explicitly exposes the left and right eye pupils, because those were the landmarks I''m interested in. To interpret the rest of the points you can refer here:
Open Source - PDFjet for Swift / iOS
A class to emulate the Android menus
Here the custom calendar class for B4A ( now for B4i ) by @Takeru17 ( )
I made a class that it is equivalent RSPopupMenu in B4A. So you can switch from b4a to b4i with this class easily.
B4i implementation of CustomListView
B4i implementation of DBRequestManager which is the client side of RDC
This is a port of the Image slider that peacemaker created, with a couple of additional features.
This class allows you to easily port to B4i a B4A app that uses the B4A PhoneSensors object with types TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD and TYPE_GYROSCOPE.
This class uses NativeObject to access NSDecimalNumber type. Unlike BigNumber library, the objects are immutable. This means that the value of a DecimalNumber instance cannot change. A new value can be assigned.
An image resizer like in other apps which add a sticker,...
This class will allow you create a page with a View (ex. TextField) always sticks to the bottom of the page and move with the keyboard automatically. This class is also useful to learn to write customs controls with Objective C and use it in B4i.
Designer-Compatible ComboBox Class
This is a simple patternview-class. I have tested it on my iPhone6+ without problems. Feel free to use or improve it.
Class to try to simplify porting a B4A app to B4i.
Allows tracking altitude changes based on air pressure changes