Three routines to adjust a label to fit its text: * SizeToFitWidth - given a width (and using the label''s font), adjust the label''s height * SizeToFitHeight - given a height (and using the label''s font), adjust the label''s width * SizeFontToFit - given some text for the label (and using the label''s width/height), adjust the label''s fontsize so that the text fills the label * MeasureExpectedSize - Returns Width/Height/FontSize (type SizeToFit_Metrics) for a label that hasn''t yet been added to an activity/view (using Reflector object) * getFontSize & setFontSize - cross-platform subs to get/set the fontsize for a label
@Misterbates · 2017-10-17
B4i implementation of DBUtils
@Erel · 2017-07-03
AMAZON WEB SERVICES S3 V4 Signature Calculator [code module]
The attached zip contains a code module that calculates V4 signatures for Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) REST API requests, enabling creation of AWS S3 PUT/GET/DELETE requests. You basically just plug in the properties necessary for a signature calculation and call Signature. The accompanying example code has 4 worked examples that actually generate the signatures the AWS documentation says they should. There is extensive in-line documentation.
@JackKirk · 2017-07-02
AsyncStreamsObject module
Send and receive objects instead of bytes
@Erel · 2014-12-16
Adds a drop down menu for the TopRight and TopLeft Buttons
@stevel05 · 2014-11-25
Fastscroll for scrollview B4I
- TableFastScroll, adds a horizontal and vertical fast scroll bar to the Table. - CustomListViewFastScroll adds a vertical scroll bar to the custom listview - TableAsListViewFastScroll is a single column table acting as a list view. For large lists this is much quicker to load than customscrollview thanks to it''s caching.
@stevel05 · 2014-11-14
Charts Framework
Implementation of the same charts framework as in B4A and B4J
@Erel · 2014-11-06
DateUtils B4I
B4i implementation of DateUtils
@Erel · 2014-11-06