Keep Track of Pages [getCurrentPage] [e.g. Access Network Dialog workaround]
I had the need to know what was the page displayed when Application_Active sub is fired
@Mike1970 · 2021-05-24
B4ISnippetAudio/Video [AND VIBRATION]
Play SystemSounds [and Vibration]
Play every sound you want from the systemsounds of iOS, by passing the ID
@Mike1970 · 2021-05-12
In-App Screen Capture - ReplayKit
In-App Screen Capture - ReplayKit
@sfsameer · 2021-05-02
B4ISnippetComms & Network
adding SFSafariViewController
adding SFSafariViewController
@Andrew (Digitwell) · 2021-03-24
Keyboard will hide notification
The KeyboardStatePage event is raised before the keyboard becomes visible and after the keyboard is hidden. There are cases where you want to do something right before the keyboard is closed. For example, to start moving a view.
@Erel · 2021-01-18
B4ISnippetDialogs [MODAL]
Input Dialog [modal] - slightly modified from the Erel one
The original code: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/inputdialog-function.52811/post-331242 I modified the code to be able to add two buttons, and receive the "Success" parameter to distinguish when the user tap on the positive button or cancel button.
@Mike1970 · 2020-12-30
HttpJob Clear Cookies
HttpJob Clear Cookies
@lucasheer · 2020-10-15
Easy way to run threads
Easy way to run threads
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2020-09-06
Remove touch listener and cancel action
While building the Pleroma client (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xpages-pleroma-mastodon-client-step-1.119426/), I''ve encountered several cases where the touch events had some unwanted behavior. The reason for this, is that there are multiple stacked views that listen for the touch events: B4XDrawer, xCustomListView (= ScrollView) and panels that hold the modified BBCodeViews. Here are two things that help improve the touch events behavior.
@Erel · 2020-08-04
Interface orientations for separate pages
Interface orientations for separate pages
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2020-05-31
Local Notification with image
Local Notification with image
@Biswajit · 2020-05-11
Retrieving cookies from a WKWebView
Retrieving cookies from a WKWebView
@CaptKronos · 2020-04-24
Additional properties for existing classes
Tag property holds an object and allows to keep many parameters (for example, as Map). But to use separate fields is more comfortable. An attached sample (based on stackoverflow''s ideas) shows how to add properties myProperty1, myProperty2 to any view. Main part - OBJC code.
@Semen Matusovskiy · 2020-04-02
Change marker image in the googlemap view
Change marker image in the googlemap view
@Modern_Digital · 2020-03-04
Clears all markers, polylines and ground overlays that has been added to the googlemap
Clears all markers, polylines and ground overlays that has been added to the googlemap
@Modern_Digital · 2020-03-04
Set the googlemap view minZoom and maxZoom values
Set the googlemap view minZoom and maxZoom values
@Modern_Digital · 2020-03-04
Haptic Touch
Generate Haptic Touch feedback (vibration)
@Mike1970 · 2020-02-05
Exit application
Exit application
@Recep Cinet · 2020-01-21
Chat Layout Example [some corrections needed]
Chat Layout Example [some corrections needed]
@Mike1970 · 2019-12-16
B4ISnippetTabStripViewPager [LIKE TABVIEW IN B4A]
Horizontal Panel Scroller [like TabView in B4A] with PageIndicator
A horizontal panel scroller, that correctly centers the loaded layout in the panels
@Mike1970 · 2019-12-03
iOS - TouchID
This code will allow to use the TouchID (Fingerprint) in your app.
@narek adonts · 2019-11-05
@Star-Dust · 2019-10-15
Uploading from a local Mac builder with XCode 11
Uploading from a local Mac builder with XCode 11
@nwhitfield · 2019-09-24
Markdown to Attributed String
As promised, here is the small code module and snippets that I use to turn markdown text stored on my server to attributed strings. This method splits the load between server and client app and is by no means a full Markdown / CommonMark implementation. But for basic headings, unnumbered lists, and emphasis, it does the job. Server side, this is how I prepare an item ( $newsitem[''storyText''] is a news item, with markdown formatting; Parsedown is the PHP library I use on the site. Link detection is set up only to work will fully marked up links, ie the [title here](url here) sort)
@nwhitfield · 2019-09-11
Setting a button''s image/icon
Setting a button''s image/icon
@Marcus Araujo · 2019-04-27
Show and record screen taps
Whilst iOS has a nice built-in screen recorder it doesn''t show screen taps. If you are using a local mac, this is an easy way (though a bit of a hack) to show the taps which are then recordable.
@CaptKronos · 2019-04-27
Monitor http requests progress
Monitor http requests progress
@Erel · 2019-04-16
A bit dirty way to give orientation rotation to certain pages in an essentially portrait-only app
A bit dirty way to give orientation rotation to certain pages in an essentially portrait-only app
@JackKirk · 2019-03-21
B4ISnippetViews - effects
Set horizontal gradient to view
Set horizontal gradient to view
@hatzisn · 2018-12-30
Play Beep Sound
Play Beep Sound
@aeric · 2018-10-24