Install Release ipa to your device with Appandora
Install Release ipa to your device with Appandora
@Mashiane · 2015-05-28
Install Release ipa to your device with Appandora
Adding ListView Items
Getting Device Properties
JSON to Map Convesion
Symbolicating app crash reports
iOS, Android and more - Photoshop icon Templates
geting screenshot
Bluetooth LE using v1.20
A wrapper for ABAddressBook to access iOS contacts.
T3 - The Timer Tutorial
Support for signature capturing in an IOS application,
Add Contact to Address Book(Iphone Contacts)
Open local files with external apps
This class helps with downloading multiple images and setting them to multiple ImageViews.
Passing Object B4i Color to UIColor ObjectiveC?
The TableView view from iTableView library wraps the native UITableView control. This control is similar to B4A ListView though it is more powerful. Do not confuse TableView with Table class which is a custom multicolumn table:
Any View with Blur Effect
Transparent Page
Add Swipe to Delete,Edit,... to TableView CustomCell
ExpandableTableView class uses TableView to implement a view that shows a tree of items.
Hide TabBarController TabBar for specific Page(s)
TableView with custom items
Similar to B4A StateManager
Push notifications with new Tool
Continuous line drawing with touch
Programmatic changing of button images
The popup Message with Blur Effect for B4i
iDatePersian - The easy way to convert Date Gregorian to Persian