There''s a Breadcrumb Bar and Items. A NumberUpDown, Date and Time Pickers and a List Spinner. Version 1.1 enhanced the ListSpinner and added DateTextField, TimeTextField and XYControl
@agraham · 2013-12-18
This library is an example of how you can access native API calls rather than being a complete solution in itself.
@agraham · 2013-12-14
JFXtrasLCD, JFXtrasLinear and JFXtrasRadial gauges
@agraham · 2013-12-10
Lets you poke around inside the scenegraph of your Forms and fiddle with the UI on the fly.
@agraham · 2013-12-08
This is a thin wrapper for java.util.prefs.Preferences which stores persistent data without you having to worry about where it is stored.
@stevel05 · 2013-12-05
jFXtrasGauges alpha taster
Having exposed the Message Boxes and Controls from the JFXtras library I thought that I would look at the JFXtras Gauges. If you have not already found it from my jFXrasControls thread I suggest you download the JFXtras demonstration to see what is contained in the JFXtras library.
@agraham · 2013-12-03
This library offers a Msgbox and Msgbox2 equivalent to that of Basic4android plus an additional more customizable Msgbox3.
@agraham · 2013-11-28
Apply watermarks to images
@maXim · 2013-11-22