B4JSnippetMap [BANANO]
Map Get / Put Recursively ... perhaps a B4X wish... [BANano]
Map Get / Put Recursively ... perhaps a B4X wish... [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2021-06-19
B4JSnippetB4J [OTHER]
Simple zip & backup your files [other]
This *.bat file - creates a new backup folder on a drive (with a timestamp) - zips defined folders with a password - copies the zip files to another location (here: Google Drive folder which is synched automatically when you''ve installed it on your pc) -xr! excludes files or file types (e.g. -xr!*.pdf excludes pdf files)
@KMatle · 2021-06-14
Queue Eliminator
It will also have happened to you to queue at the post office, at the bank, at the pharmacy, in the bathroom. Where there is a queue eliminator, a shift number can be obtained, and the number served at that moment appears on the screen. The counter operator advances the number each time he has finished serving the customer.
@Star-Dust · 2021-06-12
B4JSnippetABMaterial [ABMATERIAL]
Universal page for application settings. [ABMaterial]
Universal page for application settings. [ABMaterial]
@MichalK73 · 2021-06-12
How to Send easy mail
How to Send easy mail
@Brian Michael · 2021-06-08
Shuffle List for MP£
Shuffle List for MP£
@Colin Evans · 2021-05-30
B4JSnippetDialogs [B4J]
Text Input Dialog with JavaObject [B4J]
Text Input Dialog with JavaObject [B4J]
@androh · 2021-05-28
Running PowerShell scripts
Running PowerShell scripts
@Erel · 2021-05-27
B4JSnippetWebView [B4J]
Webview Zoomable via Mouse Scroll Wheel [B4J]
Webview Zoomable via Mouse Scroll Wheel [B4J]
@swChef · 2021-05-19
easily compile and run B4J project with javaFx
easily compile and run B4J project with javaFx
@spsp · 2021-05-18
Password Challenge any thoughts
Generate Password Challenge phrases from words in a dictionary
@Robert Valentino · 2021-05-11
Audio Sine Generator
Audio Sine Generator
@moty22 · 2021-05-10
PasswordChecker - Check your Password if it was pwnd
Tool to check if a password was pwnd by a data breach. It will hash the given password into sha-1 and then search thru the very big database file from "haveibeenpwnd.com".
@Serjoscha Bald · 2021-04-23
B4JSnippetDate/time [SHAMSI]
Date convertor -> Persian [Shamsi] to Gregorian and vice versa
Date convertor -> Persian [Shamsi] to Gregorian and vice versa
@MegatenFreak · 2021-04-22
B4XVonage - Send SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, Video, Audio Messages etc etc via Vonage
B4XVonage - Send SMS, MMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, Viber, Video, Audio Messages etc etc via Vonage
@Mashiane · 2021-04-20
Make pdf reports using html + template engine + json data in b4j
Make pdf reports using html + template engine + json data in b4j
@andrewmp · 2021-04-14
B4JSnippetComms & Network
OBD2. The application was tested on OBD2 Simulator and Citroen C3 reading only current data and fault codes.
@moty22 · 2021-04-11
Save string to file with CRLF instead of only LF [notepad compatibility]
Save string to file with CRLF instead of only LF [notepad compatibility]
@Coldrestart · 2021-04-11
B4JSnippetComms & Network
Analogue Signal to PC
Analogue Signal to PC
@moty22 · 2021-04-08
Calculate public holidays with variable dates
Calculate public holidays with variable dates
@Laurent95 · 2021-04-05
B4X implementation of the "mayBeJSON" method from JSON Lib - https://github.com/jenkinsci/json-lib The method tests if the input String possibly represents a valid JSON String. This is handy as a check before running the JSONParser.
@tchart · 2021-03-29
B4JSnippetMail [MAILTO:...]
@RauchG · 2021-03-11
B4JSnippetDate/time [UP]
Round [Up] Time - Nearest minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes etc
A quick snippet to round time up. I needed this for a time base chart to avoid having irregular start/end times on the chart. So now I can show (for example) the last hour and it will be to a whole minute etc.
@tchart · 2021-03-07
B4JSnippetHome automation
HomeMatic Smart Home CCU Device Viewer
Purpose: To view the state of devices and their data points as configured in the CCU. To get device data point(s) ID (XML attribute ise_id = "NNN") used for XML-API HTTP requests via for example Domoticz Homeautomation. To quickly view the status of a device. To filter a selected attribute for all devices, i.e. check low battery state (XML attribute type = "LOW_BAT"). To view system variables name, value and ID. To export or copy device or data point data. To save XML-API HTTP response to a text file with XML tree. To have fun developing with B4J and the B4X language.
@rwblinn · 2021-02-26
Color Sampler app - for download
Building color themes into an app can be quite time consuming and a little frustrating if you''re not into that kind of thing. There''s about 20 or so colors in this app that you can choose from. After selecting a color, you can "lighten" the selected color (with a slider) that then sets that adjusted color to another view on the form.
@mfstuart · 2021-02-22
Circle Fit and Linear regression
Circle Fit and Linear regression
@knutf · 2021-02-18
vlc local and Url video player
vlc local and Url video player
@behnam_tr · 2021-02-17
Hardware Health Monitor [using jsensors]
Hardware Health Monitor [using jsensors]
@Magma · 2021-02-16
B4JSnippetPrint [WINDOWS ONLY]
Print files via jShell and a VBS script [Windows only]
Print files via jShell and a VBS script [Windows only]
@KMatle · 2021-02-10
Send Mails with attachements over local Outlook installation via VBS script
Send Mails with attachements over local Outlook installation via VBS script
@KMatle · 2021-02-10