Form Change Cursor Image
A snippet which changes the form cursor to an image which is located in the files (dirasset) folder.
@rwblinn · 2016-11-07
IP Address validation using RegEx
IP Address validation using RegEx for IPv4 and IPv6
@mindful · 2016-11-07
Persistent sessions [Server]
Session are usually stored in memory so if you restart the server all the sessions (including their attributes) will be lost. So if you want to save sessions data on disk place the code below in the code module and call the sub ServerUsePersistentSessions.
@mindful · 2016-11-07
Session and session attribute events [Server]
Session and session attribute events [Server]
@mindful · 2016-11-07
IsEmptyString() function
Returns True if x parameter is empty string or null
@amminf · 2016-11-03
New component ABMCustomCard in 2.01 [ABMaterial]
ABMCustomCard allows you to build revealing cards using all kind of other ABMComponents.
@alwaysbusy · 2016-11-03
Additional jServer (web server) Setting Snippets
Just thought it would be good to keep additional jServer/Jetty/Web Server settings in one place.
@tchart · 2016-11-02
Add a ToolTip to an ImageView
Add a ToolTip to an ImageView
@rwblinn · 2016-10-27
Email validation using RegEx
This regex example uses all the characters permitted by RFC 5322, which governs the email message format.
@mindful · 2016-10-26
Password validation using RegEx
Tests given password against the given rules
@mindful · 2016-10-26
new in 2.00: multiple sidebars [ABMaterial]
new in 2.00: multiple sidebars [ABMaterial]
@alwaysbusy · 2016-10-12
Tower of Hanoi (with solution)
Tower of Hanoi (with solution)
@BeneBarros · 2016-10-10
external Ip
Some ISPs dont supply fixed Ip adresses. It will change mostly every day. For remote controlling you can use DynDns or NoIp. But a adding a little code will provide you (via mail for example) the current Ip adress
@MbedAndroid · 2016-10-07
SMS cost of the tariff plan of the smartphone with mysms API
SMS cost of the tariff plan of the smartphone with mysms API
@FabioRome · 2016-09-14
New component ABMChronologyList (2.00) [ABMaterial]
The ABMChronologyList is a vertical timeline component. Useful to give an overview of a limited period. It is device aware so e.g. on a phone, all items will be one under each other.
@alwaysbusy · 2016-09-05
DateTime minus milliseconds
DateTime minus milliseconds
@tchart · 2016-08-29
HTMLEditor add B4J ColorPicker View to Top-Toolbar
Example of adding the B4J ColorPicker View to the Top-Toolbar of the HTML Editor View.
@rwblinn · 2016-08-27
Pagination with dbutils
Pagination with dbutils
@icefairy333 · 2016-08-24
This snippet gives you the screen position of a node in your application. Useful when you have a pop-up that needs to be aligned to a control, like a tooltip for example.
@jmon · 2016-08-20
Bingo (Scratch)
Small bingo scratchcard.
@BeneBarros · 2016-08-08
@BeneBarros · 2016-07-29
B4J File Utils
File / file system utilities
@sonicmayne · 2016-07-22
New component ABMPatternLock (1.20) [ABMaterial]
New component ABMPatternLock (1.20) [ABMaterial]
@alwaysbusy · 2016-07-11
Return Rnd number in step mode
Return Rnd number in step mode
@ilan · 2016-07-10
FreeCell (Simple)
FreeCell (Simple)
@BeneBarros · 2016-07-02
Solitaire (simple)
Solitaire (simple)
@BeneBarros · 2016-06-29
Get Stock Data
B4J NON-UI application snippet to get stock data from Yahoo Finance using HTTP and JSON.
@rwblinn · 2016-06-13
Draw your smiley and anime
Draw your smiley and anime
@BeneBarros · 2016-06-08
Set the resize policy of tableview columns
Two options to set the resize policy of TableView columns.
@rwblinn · 2016-06-08
Set all buttons CSS style to transparent
Just a neat little one to set the CSS style of all buttons in one go to transparent using the CSSUtils library.
@rwblinn · 2016-06-05