Telegram Mini App [Web]
Telegram Mini App [Web]
@Mashiane · 2024-07-24
B4XThreePages - Based App UI [Basic, Shaped, Modern, Themed or Transparent Style on the Fly] [Project Template]
B4XThreePages - Based App UI [Basic, Shaped, Modern, Themed or Transparent Style on the Fly] [Project Template]
@JGParamo · 2024-07-23
Run embedded languages in B4J/java [GraalVM] [proof of concept]
Run embedded languages in B4J/java [GraalVM] [proof of concept]
@Daestrum · 2024-07-16
How to load a Class file at runtime
How to load a Class file at runtime
@Daestrum · 2024-07-15
Get Current Form
Gets the currently focused form
@Erel · 2024-07-14
B4XCopilot - A.I. Assistant [Gemini] + Source Code
B4XCopilot - A.I. Assistant [Gemini] + Source Code
@fernando1987 · 2024-07-05
ChoiceBox Focus behavior
At the present setting, the choiceBox does not open the choice list when it gets the focus by keyboard tab unless one would press the spacebar. This simple code snippet would change this behavior to open the choice list.
@jkhazraji · 2024-06-17
List of Maps to a B4XTable
This code converts a List of Maps into a format that''s perfect for loading into a B4XTable.
@Brian Michael · 2024-06-08
Solution of some problems with jasper reports inside of B4J
Solution of some problems with jasper reports inside of B4J
@DarkoT · 2024-06-01
Chamfer Correction CNC [Source included]
Chamfer Correction CNC [Source included]
@ilan · 2024-05-28
Glow Your Texts : Native and JavaObject B4J Code
Glow Your Texts : Native and JavaObject B4J Code
@jkhazraji · 2024-05-25
jAudioTrack2 - Mixer Full
Mix audio tracks with B4x
@stevel05 · 2024-05-20
wmSQLtableSync - SQL table synchronisation between two databases [Class] [Source included] [B4A] [B4J]
wmSQLtableSync - SQL table synchronisation between two databases [Class] [Source included] [B4A] [B4J]
@walt61 · 2024-05-20
Audio recorder [inline java]
An example of an audio recorder using inline java. This way, you avoid freezing and simplify audio recording as much as possible.
@Douglas Farias · 2024-05-14
STT - Offline Speech Recognization with Vosk [JavaObject/Inline]
STT - Offline Speech Recognization with Vosk [JavaObject/Inline]
@Douglas Farias · 2024-05-14
wmCRUD - a generic class for CRUD operations on an SQL[ite] database [with source code] [B4J] [SQL] [SQLite] [CRUD] [Class]
wmCRUD - a generic class for CRUD operations on an SQL[ite] database [with source code] [B4J] [SQL] [SQLite] [CRUD] [Class]
@walt61 · 2024-05-14
JXInput - Get controller commands [Xbox, etc.] [JavaObject]
JXInput - Get controller commands [Xbox, etc.] [JavaObject]
@Douglas Farias · 2024-05-11
make a custom PDF with Banano/SithasoDaisy
make a custom PDF with Banano/SithasoDaisy
@giannimaione · 2024-05-11
B4J - Convert PDF to JPG
B4J - Convert PDF to JPG
@Lucas Siqueira · 2024-05-09
Detect faces with OpenCV [JavaObject]
Detect faces with OpenCV [JavaObject]
@Douglas Farias · 2024-05-08
Let''s Go Mobile First [Web] [SithasoDaisy]
Let''s Go Mobile First [Web] [SithasoDaisy]
@Mashiane · 2024-05-04
Radio Frequency Channel Monitor - Logger for Tine Spectrum Analyzer [TSA]
Radio Frequency Channel Monitor - Logger for Tine Spectrum Analyzer [TSA]
@rgarnett1955 · 2024-04-19
ROT13 Function
ROT13 (Rotate by 13 places) is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the 13th letter after it in the alphabet. It is a special case of the Caesar cipher which was developed in ancient Rome. ROT13 is not a secure encryption method, but rather a form of obfuscation used to hide text, especially spoilers or punchlines in online forums. It works by shifting each letter 13 positions in the alphabet, looping back to the beginning if needed (e.g., ''Z'' becomes ''M'', ''A'' becomes ''N''). The same function is used for both encoding and decoding, as ROT13 is its own inverse.
@Douglas Farias · 2024-04-12
DatTable - extension of B4XTable
Based on the B4XTable library, I have made a small enhancement that is extremely practical for the user. It enables three additional functionalities: a) Reordering of row sequence and column lengths b) Resetting the saved layout (to default layout) c) Exporting data to Excel
@DarkoT · 2024-03-19
A beautiful Landing Page with Multiple Page Navigation & No Drawer [Web] [SithasoDaisy]
A beautiful Landing Page with Multiple Page Navigation & No Drawer [Web] [SithasoDaisy]
@Mashiane · 2024-03-15
Close xui.MsgboxAsync or xui.Msgbox2Async with code
Close xui.MsgboxAsync or xui.Msgbox2Async with code
@Chris2 · 2024-03-08
Folder size
Folder size
@LucaMs · 2024-03-05
Compare text strings
Compare text strings
@emexes · 2024-03-03
Standardize Keys in Key-Value Maps
I have often used Maps as a means of sending property information to Subs. One problem, easily fixed, is that the person specifying the map with ''CreateMap'' may use a different case-ness in the keys than expected. Also, they (you) may inadvertently add spaces at start or end of key.
@William Lancee · 2024-03-03
MDI Child Windows
MDI Child Windows
@Magma · 2024-02-29