Erels B4J Oveview from Walt''s B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
Erels B4J Oveview from Walt''s B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
@Mashiane · 2021-04-27
Walts B4xGoodies Explorer Using BVAD3 on Mobile Device [BANano]
Walts B4xGoodies Explorer Using BVAD3 on Mobile Device [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2021-04-27
How BANano.GeoLocation helped us with developing Seeking.Shelter & GPS locations querying from a database [BANano]
How BANano.GeoLocation helped us with developing Seeking.Shelter & GPS locations querying from a database [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2021-04-16
Viewing a Music Store SQLite Database [BANano] [Database.Show]
Viewing a Music Store SQLite Database [BANano] [Database.Show]
@Mashiane · 2021-04-13
PK ColorPicker for Windows and Mac
PK ColorPicker for Windows and Mac
@IndieDev · 2021-04-03
jOpenCV Tutorial 1 - Syntax rules, Helper methods and Basic types
jOpenCV Tutorial 1 - Syntax rules, Helper methods and Basic types
@JordiCP · 2021-03-21
jOpenCV Tutorial 2 - Image & Video [with VideoCapture] acquisition, and conversions to/from Mat objects.
jOpenCV Tutorial 2 - Image & Video [with VideoCapture] acquisition, and conversions to/from Mat objects.
@JordiCP · 2021-03-21
USB Serial Port + AsyncStreams + B4XBytesBuilder
USB Serial Port + AsyncStreams + B4XBytesBuilder
@rtek1000 · 2021-03-19
Maximize, minimize, restore and full screen [programmatically]
Maximize, minimize, restore and full screen [programmatically]
@rtek1000 · 2021-03-17
Calling JavaScript methods with parameters explained [BANano]
Calling JavaScript methods with parameters explained [BANano]
@alwaysbusy · 2021-03-16
Authentication to a B4J server [REST API][BANano]
Included in the download of BANano 1.06 is an example on how to connect with a Jetty B4J server. The example shows how you could use the B4J server to login/logoff and run a basic REST API call.
@alwaysbusy · 2021-02-17
MonoBuilder - Compile B4J programs on Linux or Mac
MonoBuilder - Compile B4J programs on Linux or Mac
@Erel · 2021-02-07
BVMDesigner - Mock.Compile.Publish [BANanoVueMaterial]
BVMDesigner - Mock.Compile.Publish [BANanoVueMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2021-02-02
A For Dummies Experience on MS Windows [MQTT]
A For Dummies Experience on MS Windows [MQTT]
@Mashiane · 2021-01-09
jControlsFX library v1.20 includes a control named PropertySheet. With this control it is very simple to create forms with many fields. The data for these fields comes from a custom type instance. The editor type used by each field is determined from the field type. The PropertySheet Set method expects two parameters: the type instance and a metadata map that describes the fields.
@Erel · 2021-01-04
Making Responsive Apps - please contribute your expertise! [ABMaterial]
Making Responsive Apps - please contribute your expertise! [ABMaterial]
@Harris · 2021-01-03
B4X Turtle - Planet Orbits
Very very rough (and code not optimized at all)....planets in orbit around the sun
@Johan Schoeman · 2021-01-02
Beginning Firebase Messaging [BANano]
Beginning Firebase Messaging [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2020-12-29
Making Installers for Server Apps
Making Installers for Server Apps
@tchart · 2020-12-21
Setting up FileZilla Server [BANano]
Setting up FileZilla Server [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2020-12-18
Run a Server on a VPS [server]
Run a Server on a VPS [server]
@Erel · 2020-11-11
Using UI app to create a QR code as part of a server solution [server]
Using UI app to create a QR code as part of a server solution [server]
@Erel · 2020-11-09
Beginning Electron with BANano [BANanoElectron]
Beginning Electron with BANano [BANanoElectron]
@Mashiane · 2020-11-06
Karplus-Strong algorithm to synth a plucked guitar string sound
Not a tutorial exactly but a fast prototyping for basic Karplus-Strong algorithm realized by B4J
@kimstudio · 2020-11-04
Using Let''s Encrypt on Ubuntu VPS [Server]
Using Let''s Encrypt on Ubuntu VPS [Server]
@aeric · 2020-10-30
Creating a Chat application [BANanoFireStoreDB]
Creating a Chat application [BANanoFireStoreDB]
@Mashiane · 2020-10-28
MealPrep App [BANanoVueMaterial]
MealPrep App [BANanoVueMaterial]
@Mashiane · 2020-10-24
Canvas inside a ScrollPane [Beginner-Tutorial]
Canvas inside a ScrollPane [Beginner-Tutorial]
@Midimaster · 2020-10-23
My mini course on YT. [ABMaterial]
My mini course on YT. [ABMaterial]
@MichalK73 · 2020-10-23
B4J IDE runs on Linux
The B4J IDE (including the designer) runs on Ubuntu 20.4 with the latest Crossover (V20).
@Squiffy · 2020-10-14