Sneaky JavaObject
Sometimes you just need to use a JavaObject to get a value to log for example.
@Daestrum · 2023-08-28
B4J Text-to-Speech snippet
B4J Text-to-Speech snippet
@jkhazraji · 2023-08-27
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO]
Absolute Placement of Elements & Hidden Props [BANano]
Absolute Placement of Elements & Hidden Props [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2023-08-24
BANanoCSSUtils - Utility Helpers & Animations on any BANanoElement
BANanoCSSUtils - Utility Helpers & Animations on any BANanoElement
@Mashiane · 2023-08-24
B4JTutorialBAnano [BANANO]
SetLayoutAnimated & Other Animations [BANano]
SetLayoutAnimated & Other Animations [BANano]
@Mashiane · 2023-08-24
Pseudo classes for JavaFX / B4j
If you are creating a Javafx / B4j project with multiple themes & stylesheets, then you need this. You can create your own Pseudo classes for use in the stylesheets.
@stevel05 · 2023-08-22
B4JSnippetSithaso [WEB]
SithasoIONIC7 - Executing Api Calls with BANanoFetch [Web]
SithasoIONIC7 - Executing Api Calls with BANanoFetch [Web]
@Mashiane · 2023-08-21
B4JSnippetSithaso [WEB]
SithasoIONIC7 - Beats UI Demo [Web]
SithasoIONIC7 - Beats UI Demo [Web]
@Mashiane · 2023-08-20
B4JSnippetSithaso [WEB]
SithasoIONIC7 - Landing, Sign In, Sign Up, Log Off [Web]
SithasoIONIC7 - Landing, Sign In, Sign Up, Log Off [Web]
@Mashiane · 2023-08-20
jKuromoji - Japanese morphological analyzer
Kuromoji is an easy to use and self-contained Japanese morphological analyzer that does - Word segmentation. Segmenting text into words (or morphemes) - Part-of-speech tagging. Assign word-categories (nouns, verbs, particles, adjectives, etc.) - Lemmatization. Get dictionary forms for inflected verbs and adjectives - Readings. Extract readings for kanji
@xulihang · 2023-08-19
Nitrite NoSQL embedded database library
I was interested to try Erel''s MongoBD example in a few projects but really didn''t want to use a server implementation so I looked for an alternative and found the Nitrite library. Think of it as a KeyValueStore on steroids. You can search and sort records with filters. You can add fields to a record without having to change a schema.
@stevel05 · 2023-08-19
B4JClassDatabase [CLASS][B4J][SQLITE]
wmSQLiteSelectBuilder - a more or less graphical builder for SQLite SELECT statements [Class] [B4J] [SQLite]
wmSQLiteSelectBuilder - a more or less graphical builder for SQLite SELECT statements [Class] [B4J] [SQLite]
@walt61 · 2023-08-19
Enigma Machine [https://github.com/amirbawab/Enigma-machine-simulator]
Enigma Machine [https://github.com/amirbawab/Enigma-machine-simulator]
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-08-17
B4JTutorialBAnano [WEB]
BANano + BLE [Web]
An example of connecting to Bluetooth (BLE) through the Bluetooth Web Api supported by some browsers
@Mariano Ismael Castro · 2023-08-16
NHCalculateHash - Calculate Hash for everything - It Cannot be Used In B4A
NHCalculateHash - Calculate Hash for everything - It Cannot be Used In B4A
@hatzisn · 2023-08-16
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-08-09
Port part of the famous Sfxr by DrPetter to B4X. SfxGen generates sound effect for games. The sfx can be exported to wav file.
@kimstudio · 2023-08-08
SithasoDaisy: User Sign Up / Sign In / Forgot Password in PocketBase
SithasoDaisy: User Sign Up / Sign In / Forgot Password in PocketBase
@Mashiane · 2023-08-08
JSON Formatter and validator
I am working on an app that needs to be able to manipulate JSON strings. They are stored in a compact format then prettified for display and editing. The main problem I have found is that if the json is invalid, it can''t be prettified with the existing JSON lib. I found this project on github and ported the format class to B4j.
@stevel05 · 2023-08-07
B4JTutorialSithaso [WEB]
SithasoDaisy - Deferring CSS & JS Files so that they are loaded ONLY when needed. [Web]
SithasoDaisy - Deferring CSS & JS Files so that they are loaded ONLY when needed. [Web]
@Mashiane · 2023-08-07
B4JClassB4J Server
This is the BackgroundWorker but without all the bells and whistles of Jserver.
@XbNnX_507 · 2023-08-06
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-08-05
This library contains a custom view called Starchild_B4J_SmartGraphView which can be added into a form layout using B4J Designer. It provides a simple and stylish way of presenting dynamic data as a graphed display. Spot, Line and Bars can be used to represent the plotted data values on the graph.
@Starchild · 2023-08-02
B4JTutorialSithaso [WEB]
SithasoDaisy - Installing SithasoDaisy and creating you first TailwindCSS & DaisyUI WebApp using b4x [Web]
SithasoDaisy - Installing SithasoDaisy and creating you first TailwindCSS & DaisyUI WebApp using b4x [Web]
@Mashiane · 2023-07-30
Newton Fractals - all in B4J
Newton Fractals - all in B4J
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-07-29
B4JSnippetTooltip [B4J][DSE]
SetTooltipTextSize [B4j] [DSE]
SetTooltipTextSize [B4j] [DSE]
@stevel05 · 2023-07-27
cPanel Email Folder reader
For who has cPanel hosting: If you have a backup of cPanel mail folder, you will find all emails in raw files, each email account has a raw files, you can''t read them easily as outlook. This attached little b4j app will read that mail folder as outlook (organized, well formatted, readable).
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2023-07-26
Basic Calendar custom view using designer script extension
Basic Calendar custom view using designer script extension
@stevel05 · 2023-07-24
B4JTutorialDatabase [WEB]
Trying Microsoft Azure MySQL Flexible Server [Web]
Trying Microsoft Azure MySQL Flexible Server [Web]
@Mashiane · 2023-07-23
Fractal Tree
Fractal Tree
@Johan Schoeman · 2023-07-22