rHttpUtils2 - Http Client [module]
The HttpJob module implements an http client. It is a simplified version of B4X HttpUtils2.
@Erel · 2021-02-23
Queue list [module]
Queue is a FIFO collection. You can add elements to the end of the queue and get the first item.
@Erel · 2017-07-06
Stack collection [module]
An implementation of a stack (last in, first out) data collection.
@Erel · 2017-07-05
ArduinoBoardManager [code module]
With this module you can retrieve some info on your board such as board type, cpu type, speed, various memory sizes and some miscellaneous features.
@Roycefer · 2017-03-12
SPI [code module]
This should tide us over until we get an official SPI library. Included in the code module are two methods demonstrating the use of the module with an MCP3008 SPI ADC and an MCP4131 SPI DAC.
@Roycefer · 2017-03-05
WS2812B Code Module
A library to control WS2812 LED strips like Adafruit''s NeoPixel library
@Cableguy · 2016-05-30