B4RSnippetBluetooth [ESP32]
enable BT or BLE and get MAC-address [ESP32]
enable BT or BLE and get MAC-address [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2025-02-25
B4RSnippethttp [MODULE]
rHttpUtils2 - Http Client with synchronous requests queue [module]
Extended Erel''s module with 8-level FIFO queue manager. Allows to schedule the HTTP-requests one by one, not ideal, with big RAM memory consumption, but works with ESP32. It allows to add requests into a queue and the manager will run them automatically storing against non-stable Internet-connection.
@peacemaker · 2025-02-15
B4RSnippetB4R LED
controlling the build in RGB led on the ESP32-S3 Wroom dev board
controlling the build in RGB led on the ESP32-S3 Wroom dev board
@MbedAndroid · 2024-11-26
B4RSnippetLogging/Exceptions [LOOPED]
SD-card: save log into a limited [looped] log file
SD-card: save log into a limited [looped] log file
@peacemaker · 2024-08-25
B4RSnippetB4R [ESP32]
.bin merging and flashing [ESP32]
.bin merging and flashing [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2024-08-23
Useful defines
Useful #defines
@Daestrum · 2024-02-29
B4RSnippetB4R other hardware
External I2C 4-channel 16-bit ADC ADS1115
External I2C 4-channel 16-bit ADC ADS1115
@peacemaker · 2024-01-29
ESP32_Dev_Module_Pins Code Module
ESP32_Dev_Module_Pins Code Module
@Cableguy · 2024-01-14
B4RSnippetB4R sensor
BME280 - well known sensor: thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, altimeter
BME280 - well known sensor: thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, altimeter
@peacemaker · 2023-11-27
B4RSnippetB4R sensor
Compass - magnet sensor group xxx5883
Compass - magnet sensor group xxx5883
@peacemaker · 2023-11-25
B4RSnippetB4R sensor
XGZP6897D pressure sensors family
Modern pressure sensors where combined the piezoresistive pressure sensor and the ADC chipset with 24-bit resolution and I2C digital interface (and for temperature 16-bit one).
@peacemaker · 2023-11-17
B4RSnippetB4R sensor
ENS160 Multi-Gas Sensor
Sensor ENS160 can measure: Air quality index, Concentration of total volatile organic compounds (ppb), Carbon dioxide equivalent concentration (ppm). Default I2C address: 0x53 (can also work via SPI interface, not used here).
@peacemaker · 2023-11-16
B4RSnippetB4R sensor [HC-SR04+ OR HC-SR04P MODULES]
RCWL-96xx ultrasonic distance sensors [HC-SR04+ or HC-SR04P modules]
Old sensors HC-SR04 are analog, with measuring the distance as the impulse width. Latest models are with i2c interface based on some RCWL chips, like RCWL-9600, 9610, 9620 or so…
@peacemaker · 2023-11-16
B4RSnippetB4R sensor [ESP32]
BH1750 - Digital Ambient Light Sensor [ESP32]
BH1750 - Digital Ambient Light Sensor [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2023-08-15
B4RSnippetB4R [ESP32]
Sleep until re-power up [ESP32]
Sleep until re-power up [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2023-08-11
B4RSnippetB4R sensor [MAGNETIC][ESP32]
Internal Hall sensor [magnetic] [ESP32]
Internal Hall sensor [magnetic] [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2023-08-10
B4RSnippetB4R [ESP32]
WatchDog [ESP32]
WatchDog [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2023-08-05
B4RSnippetB4R [ESP32]
flash partitions [ESP32]
Maybe can be useful to work with the partition, result of NVS partition is correct - corresponding to "partitions.csv": # Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size nvs, data, nvs, 0x9000, 0x5000
@peacemaker · 2023-07-28
B4RSnippetB4R [ESP32]
NVS storage [ESP32]
Arduino NVS is a port for a non-volatile storage (NVS, flash) library for ESP32 to the Arduino Platform.
@peacemaker · 2023-07-28
B4RSnippetComms & Network [ESP32]
OTA update from server via WiFi only [ESP32]
OTA update from server via WiFi only [ESP32]
@peacemaker · 2023-07-25
Analog Input Pin values mapping
In many cases when reading analog input pin, we got a values not what we expect, but in real they are true values, so we need to map them to understandable values.
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2023-07-02
Benchmark of Microcontrollers
Counts 200 cycles and logs the mean time between two cycles (in Millis)
@hatzisn · 2022-12-05
MCP3204 12bit ADC with ESP32
MCP3204 12bit ADC with ESP32
@embedded · 2022-11-19
ESP32CAM - Print Logs Workaround - b4xlib included
All of you that have bought the ESP32CAM you know that it does not print logs in B4R. So if you cannot go through a problem, just go around it. The around way is to post in MQTT server the logs and display them in B4J app. And it works.
@hatzisn · 2022-10-24
B4RSnippetComms & Network
Ethernet ENC28J60 solution
Ethernet ENC28J60 solution
@Nator · 2022-10-10
B4RSnippetB4R other hardware [96 PINS]
Reading 6 CJMCU [96 Pins] for keyboard
Reading 6 CJMCU [96 Pins] for keyboard
@Hans- Joachim Krahe · 2022-03-29
B4RSnippetEncryption [OTHER MD''S WILL DO, TOO]
ESP32: HMAC with SHA256 [other md''s will do, too] via inline c
Here''s a short example how to generate a HMAC SHA256 hash (via passphrase). It''s good to "sign" messages as a passphrase is used to hash a message.
@KMatle · 2022-02-01
B4RSnippetDate/time [THE EASY WAY]
Get the time from a timeserver [the easy way]
Get the time from a timeserver [the easy way]
@KMatle · 2022-02-01
Base64 en-/decode via inline C
Base64 en-/decode via inline C
@KMatle · 2022-01-31
ESP8266 yield[] function
ESP8266 yield() function
@hatzisn · 2021-07-14