ESP32: OTP/2FA example
This example generates a OTP/2FA ("One Time Password") as you know it when you login to a website and you get a 6 digit code via sms. It changes every 30 seconds.
@KMatle · 2022-02-16
E-Paper [probably suitable for battery powered projects]
E-Paper [probably suitable for battery powered projects]
@hatzisn · 2022-02-15
Updated RSA Encryption between B4x and ESP32''s [any other plattform will do, too]
Here''s an updated example how to - generate an RSA keypair (Public and Private key) on a ESP32 and on B4x - export these keys in PEM format (compatible with any other plattform like B4x, .net, php, python, etc.) - exchange the Public Keys (here via WiFi/AsyncStreams) - encrypt and decrypt on both sides
@KMatle · 2022-01-30
DroneBot Workshop - A great dissection of the new Arduino IDE
DroneBot Workshop - A great dissection of the new Arduino IDE
@hatzisn · 2022-01-24
Full responsive ESP8266 settings WebApp with websockets
Full responsive ESP8266 settings WebApp with websockets
@hatzisn · 2021-12-26
Cables [AWG - Surface - Diameter]
Cables [AWG - Surface - Diameter]
@hatzisn · 2021-10-26
ESP32 - Fix uploading sketch error problem
ESP32 - Fix uploading sketch error problem
@HAH · 2021-06-09
Check car''s lights status and report
Check car''s lights status and report
@hatzisn · 2021-06-07
ESP32: Simple OTA/Update via WebServer
ESP32: Simple OTA/Update via WebServer
@KMatle · 2021-05-10
ESP32: Download huge file from a server and save it
ESP32: Download huge file from a server and save it
@KMatle · 2021-05-07
Erels B4R Oveview from Walt''s B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
Erels B4R Oveview from Walt''s B4xGoodies - created with B4xgoodies Explorer using BVAD3
@Mashiane · 2021-04-27
BLE Xiaomi Temperature Sensor Project [ESP32 with BLE+WIFI]
BLE Xiaomi Temperature Sensor Project [ESP32 with BLE+WIFI]
@tchart · 2021-04-22
Weather Station using MQTT, UDP and Thingspeak
Weather Station using MQTT, UDP and Thingspeak
@Mark Read · 2021-04-09
Use Rasberry Pi Pico with the Arduino IDE and thus with B4R
Use Rasberry Pi Pico with the Arduino IDE and thus with B4R
@hatzisn · 2021-03-26
ESP32 Now with encryption, master and automatically added slaves
ESP32 Now with encryption, master and automatically added slaves
@KMatle · 2021-03-17
ESP32 Mesh example
Use ESP-MESH networking protocol to build a mesh network with the ESP32 and ESP8266 NodeMCU boards.
@KMatle · 2021-03-15
Using UDP broadcasts for sensor readings
Using UDP broadcasts for sensor readings
@Martin Larsen · 2021-03-15
Serial oscilloscope
Serial oscilloscope
@hatzisn · 2021-03-11
ESP32 NOW Example [inline C]
Use ESP-NOW to exchange data between ESP32 boards
@KMatle · 2021-03-10
B4R thermostat with ultrasonic distance sensor
B4R thermostat with ultrasonic distance sensor
@gma · 2021-03-09
SSD1306 Animated Image
Based on SSD1306 module, we can display animated images the same as displaying animated GIF on PC. The animated image is a byte array contains (n) number of frames(bitmap images) they all have the same size. the function displays these frames one after another so we see them animated.
@Mostez · 2021-03-02
SSD1306 Progress Bars
Based on SSD1306 module, we can implement horizontal and vertical progress bars. These bars could be drawn at X1-Y1 to X2-Y2 like drawing rectangles, also we need to pass the full scale value(max value) and the recent value. this code example draws horizontal progress bar at 0-15 to 100-22 with full scale value of 100, and displays value of 78. The vertical progress bar works the same as horizontal one, but it displays the values vertically. HBAR and VBAR modules included in SSD1306 update link above.
@Mostez · 2021-03-02
LCD Display Designer [Tool]
Tool to design LCD Display Layouts for 20x4 or 16x2 displays connected to Arduino, Raspberry Pi or other.
@rwblinn · 2021-02-15
PS4 F1 2020 Interfacing using ESP8266
PS4 F1 2020 Interfacing using ESP8266
@Cableguy · 2021-02-03
Controlling DSTV decoder from Android device via Nano and HC-05 bluetooth module
Controlling DSTV decoder from Android device via Nano and HC-05 bluetooth module
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-12-26
Dronebot workshop - Seeeduino Xiao
Here is a very interesting video by the guy in Dronebot Workshop. This board seems amazing. I suppose since it is Arduino compatible it can also work with B4R
@hatzisn · 2020-12-01
MQTT Broker scalability
MQTT Broker scalability
@hatzisn · 2020-09-27
Beginner''s PCB Design Guide Using EasyEda
Beginner''s PCB Design Guide Using EasyEda
@hatzisn · 2020-09-21
Implement STM32 into B4R
If you want more FLASH memory space (say 128K flash), need more RAM (how about 20K), would like your program to run a little faster, or simply want to play around with a different micro-controller family, then have a go at this.
@Starchild · 2020-08-11
Check the solderings of a WeMos D1 Mini
Check the solderings of a WeMos D1 Mini
@hatzisn · 2020-07-29