Shift Registers [Serial In Parallel Out - Parallel In Serial Out]
This is a very useful tutorial by the guy in dronebotworkshop which opened new horizons for me since I didn''t know there were two kinds of shift registers (actually four).
@hatzisn · 2020-03-13
B4RLibraryB4R LED
Add UpdateLength to rAdafruitNeoPixel Library
I added the UpdateLength to rAdadruitNeoPixel library. The AdafruitNeoPixel Library supports changing the length of the string on the fly.
@Robert Valentino · 2020-03-12
LCD Char maker
A simple LCD char maker written in B4J (open source, source included).
@rwblinn · 2020-03-10
B4RTutorialB4R LCD/TFT
Custom character creation for LCD
Custom character creation for LCD
@hatzisn · 2020-03-05
Minimal Arduino library for sunrise and sunset time: made a B4R class to call the sunset routine using native C
@Robert Valentino · 2020-03-03
B4RTutorialB4R sensor
Visualizing MPU6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope - Pitch, Roll and Yaw with inline C and Processing
Visualizing MPU6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope - Pitch, Roll and Yaw with inline C and Processing
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-02-29
B4RLibraryB4R LED
Update to library 4 new functions for rAdafruitNeoPixel
I modified the AdafruitNeoPixel library in this posting: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/radafruitneopixel-based-on-neopixel-lib-v1-3-1.111313/#post-708734 Added 4 new functions: MovePixelColorDirect (To, From) - Move the pixel data from location to another directly SetPixelColorDirect3(Pixel, ULong) - Set pixel to value directly SetPixelColorDirect(Pixel, R, G, B) - Set pixel to value directly GetPixelColorDirect(Pixel) - Get the pixel value at location directly
@Robert Valentino · 2020-02-23
B4RTutorialB4R sensor
Visualizing ADXL345 3-axis Accelerometer Pitch and Roll with inline C and Processing
Visualizing ADXL345 3-axis Accelerometer Pitch and Roll with inline C and Processing
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-02-23
ESP8266 - Getting Started
B4R v1.20 added support for ESP8266 modules. ESP8266 is a great module for IoT solutions. For a few dollars you get a powerful microcontroller with built-in support for wifi.
@Erel · 2020-02-04
B4RLibraryB4R sensor
ADXL345 Triple Axis Accelerometer Library
Sparkfun''s I2C/SPI Arduino Library for ADXL345. Using this Arduino Library, you have the option of using either SPI or I2C to communicate with the ADXL345. It is fairly reasonable to use and straight forward. You will also be able to calibrate the ADXL345 whenever necessary as shown in the example.
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-02-01
B4RTutorialB4R clock [I2C]
Reading Date, Time, and Temperature from a DS3231 RTC module [I2C] using any 2 digital configured pins from and Arduino
Cracked it - can connect the DS3231 to any 2 digital pins of my Nano and read the date, time, and temperature by making use of the B4A core library only. All control of the SDA (data) and SCL (clock) lines are hard coded. So, don''t have to connect it to the traditional I2C pins and don''t have to use a SD3231 or the Wire library.
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-01-23
B4RTutorialB4R clock [I2C]
Setting Date and Time of a DS3231 RTC module [I2C] using any 2 digital configured pins from and Arduino
The attached project implements the I2C communication protocol to set the Date and Time of a DS3231 RTC module. The protocol is hard coded (i.e no library) and you can therefore use any 2 digital pins of an Arduino Uno/Nano/etc to connect to the SDA and SCL pins of the DS3231.
@Johan Schoeman · 2020-01-18
LEDStrip - different themes for different holidays
LEDStrip - different themes for different holidays
@Robert Valentino · 2020-01-01
B4RTutorialB4R clock [RTC]
Reading from a DS1302 [RTC] without a library
I have one of the "MH-REAL-TIME CLOCK MODULES - 2" with a DS1302 chip. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could read the seconds, minutes, hours, year, month, day of month, and day of week from the module without making use of a library i.e hard coding the data extraction as a learning exercise.
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-12-26
EasyEDA - PCB Design CAD
Looking for free PCB design software I came accross the EasyEDA. It is one of the best I have seen since you get to design multilayered PCBs and see the designed PCB in 3d view.
@hatzisn · 2019-12-14
B4RTutorialRandomise [BYTE]
Random Numbers from 0 to 255 [byte]
Creates random numbers (byte) from 0 to 255. Have added it via inline C code. Below table is a summary of the number of times (right column) that 0 to 255 (left column) were generated out of 1605 randomly generated numbers. Only numbers 9 and 44 never appeared (from 0 to 255) in the 1605 long random number list.
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-11-24
B4RTutorialB4R LED
Charlieplexing Arduino - Controlling 12 LEDs with 4 GPIO Pins
I am using an Arduino Nano to control the 12 LEDs using pins 8, 9, 10, and 11 of the Nano. Just thought it would be interesting to give Charlieplexing a go.
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-11-22
rAdafruitNeoPixel [based on neopixel lib V1.3.1]
I have modified the rAdafruit Neopixel Library and added some new features
@Siam · 2019-11-12
B4RTutorialB4R LCD/TFT
Use and change font in rAdafruitGFX for TFT screen
Use and change font in rAdafruitGFX for TFT screen
@derez · 2019-11-09
Firebase Push Messages (FCM)
This code uses rHttpUtils2 to send push messages. It is equivalent to the B4J/A/i code posted here: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...s-firebase-cloud-messaging-fcm.67716/#content Notes: - #StackBufferSize should be set to 500+. - The title and body messages are not escaped. You will need to manually escape the messages if they include quotes.
@Erel · 2019-10-28
B4RTutorialB4R sensor [SHAKE SWITCH]
B4R Vibration Sensor [shake switch]
The sensor signals when a sensor shake happens. It''s a simple sensor (detected/not detected) and a simple circuit.
@inakigarm · 2019-10-25
ESP32 Camera Picture Capture and Video Streaming!
I''m using an ESP32CAM camera board with 4GB of PSRAM (like extended memory for the camera). I''m using one similar to this one you can find on Amazon. The board has an OV2640 2MP camera and an SD card slot (it''s worth mentioning this model does not have a USB interface so you''ll need an FTDI programmer).
@miker2069 · 2019-10-05
How to get and spare Json from an Http server, inline C code
How to get and parse Json from an Http server, inline C code
@Laurent95 · 2019-09-30
Check blue tooth communication of your creations
Check blue tooth communication of your creations
@hatzisn · 2019-09-22
Base64 decoding
Base64 decoding
@Erel · 2019-09-08
B4RTutorialB4R other hardware
Shrink your arduino project to the minimum
How to load our Arduino sketch directly (or indirectly) in an ATMega328P-PU microcontroler to place it on a breadboard.
@hatzisn · 2019-08-19
Electronic components pinouts application
I found this application on Play Store and it is very useful for prototyping using components
@hatzisn · 2019-08-15
Arduino Simulator
Arduino Simulator
@hatzisn · 2019-08-13
Memory, Variables and Objects
Memory, Variables and Objects
@Erel · 2019-08-13
B4RLibraryB4R motor
This is the Arduino AccelStepper library. It provides an object-oriented interface for 2, 3 or 4 pin stepper motors and motor drivers.
@Johan Schoeman · 2019-08-04