Base64 encode via Inline C
Base64 encode via Inline C
@KMatle · 2019-04-13
Read a Nunchuk using I2C with B4R an ESP8266
Nothing spectacular the code just reads and logs the joystick x & y axis, the 2 buttons (Z&C), the 3 axis accelerometer data, as well as the calibration data. It works on the OEMs and Knock Offs if you lower the clock speed as indicated. I just ported some Arduino Code to B4R from the website listed in the code.
@KiloBravo · 2019-04-13
HC 05 Classic Bluetooth
HC 05 Classic Bluetooth
@Erel · 2019-04-08
Using RSA on a ESP32 via Inline C
Here''s another example how to use RSA on a ESP32 based on this documentation:
@KMatle · 2019-03-30
ESP32: AES-256 with IV [CBC, PKCSNoPadding] example via Inline C
ESP32: AES-256 with IV [CBC, PKCSNoPadding] example via Inline C
@KMatle · 2019-03-25
MFRC522 - RFID reader-writer
Allows reading and writing to RFID cards using RC522 modules
@Erel · 2019-03-15
ESP32 hardware serials on TTGO Lora board
ESP32 hardware serials on TTGO Lora board
@janderkan · 2019-03-09
MD_MAX72XX Led-Matrix Library
The library implements functions that allow the MAX72xx to be used for LED matrices (64 individual LEDs), allowing the programmer to use the LED matrix as a pixel device, displaying graphics elements much like any other pixel addressable display.
@Siam · 2019-01-31
DS3234 RTC
A library using the SparkFun library for the DS3234 RTC
@kolbe · 2019-01-18
esp8266 OTA updater
esp8266 OTA updater
@Siam · 2019-01-13
IR send and receive
rIRremote (Arduino) is based on IRremote open source project: rIRremoteESP8266 (ESP8266) is based on IRremoteESP8266 open source project: These libraries allow receiving IR signals with a IR receiver module and transmitting signals with an IR led.
@Erel · 2019-01-13
Google home notify
Google home notify
@Siam · 2019-01-11
TimeTools Library with NTP Time
TimeTools Library with NTP Time
@Siam · 2019-01-05
Enhanced Ethernet library
Based on the Ethetnet2.0 library, multiple Wiznet Ethernet peripherals are supported.
@santook · 2018-12-12
DS3231 Clock - Another Snippet
This is a simple read and write with only 4 subroutines and no library. If of interest the ZS-042 module contains a DS3231 and on board I2C EEprom so you can get time and storage on one unit. See External EEPROM in the questions section for the latter ( though I must admit I haven''t tried it on this module)
@rodmcm · 2018-12-06
mcp2317 pullup register set
mcp2317 pullup register set
@Hans- Joachim Krahe · 2018-11-19
GPS data parsing from raw NMEA format
How to parse the Latitude and Longitude from raw nmea data.
@pokhraj_d · 2018-10-31
ESP8266extras Library
I wanted to be able to assign a new IP address when running the ESP8266 in AP mode so I started to look into writing a library for B4R. Once I started to look inside the ESP and WIFI classes in Arduino I realised that there are many interesting and useful functions available. I started with the ESP8266 library provided in B4R v1.20 and wrapped a lot of these extra functions together with a little extra code to make some of them easier to use.
@Starchild · 2018-10-14
AnalogWrite PWM range and frequency.
On ESP the default PWM range is 0 to 1023. And default PWM frequency is 1KHz. These values can be changed. Attached is the files.
@janderkan · 2018-10-04
B4R Experiments
While learning and exploring (as a hobbyist) B4R, started to build these experiments
@rwblinn · 2018-09-27
HX711 code module
This code module is for using HX711 load cell amplifier board with Arduino, I used it with UNO and MEGA without any problems, only 4 pins are required for voltage supply and communication (+5V, GND, CLK and DT). the code is very easy to use (thanks @rwblinn for help) code module includes most of original C++ library functions.
@Mostez · 2018-09-19
Reading KY-023 dual-axis XY joystick
SubName: Reading an KY-023 joystick Description: You can use this simple code to read the position of a KY-023 dual-axis joystick.
@Peter Simpson · 2018-09-19
Reading a FC-37 water sensor (2 pin black)
SubName: Reading a water sensor (2 pin black) Description: You can use this simple code to read a 2 pin rain/droplet/water sensor detector. When the sensor is completely dry (no water resistance) the logs will show the value 1023. With this particular sensor the more water there is on it the lower the value will go. I personally found that the value 750 is a good water warning trigger (that is basically 1 drop of water).
@Peter Simpson · 2018-08-20
Reading a water sensor (3 pin red)
SubName: Reading a water sensor (3 pin red) Description: You can use this simple code to read a 3 pin rain/droplet/water sensor detector. When the sensor is completely dry (no resistance) the logs will show 0(zero). With this particular sensor the more water there is on it, the more there is resistance, thus the reading goes higher.
@Peter Simpson · 2018-08-20
Reading data from the TMP36 temperature sensor
SubName: Reading a TMP36 temperature sensor Description: You can use this simple code to read the temperature readings from a TMP36 temperate sensor. A few weeks ago I was speaking to B4X user Sorex when he mentioned to me a temperature sensor called a TMP36, I had never heard of this particular temperature sensor before so I decided to buy 5 of them. Note: Yes there is already code on the forum for this sensor, but I thought that I would share this code as it is a direct conversion from demo Arduino IDE code. This sensor is relatively stable but at times it can drift up and down a little bit. I would personally use the DS18B20 temperature module if you are looking for a seriously stable temperature reading, to me the DS18B20 is a more stable temperature sensor with less temperature drift. If you are looking for a general purpose temperate sensor at a bargain price then you can''t really go wrong with the TMP36, look at the spoiler below to view the readings that I was reading.
@Peter Simpson · 2018-08-20
rRCSwitch library
This is a wrapper for RCSwitch library. Receive from or operate 433/315 MHz remote radio controlled devices. Tested with Uno, Mega and Wemos D1.
@janderkan · 2018-08-05
Internal Thermometer and Hall Effect Sensor of ESP32
Some examples of how to use the thermometer and the Hall effect sensor in an ESP32.
@Johan Hormaza · 2018-07-27
rESP8266FileSystem (SPIFFS)
ESP8266 comes with built-in file system provisioned on the chip flash. The file system is useful for storing persistent information.
@Erel · 2018-07-19
Updates to internal libraries B4R
Libraries from this thread should be copied to the internal libraries folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\B4R\libraries
@Erel · 2018-07-19
rRadioHead - RF95 / Default settings
I have succeeded to implement 2 functions and 4 constants from RadioHead/RF95 library. Sleep: will put the Lora radio into sleep mode, it will wake up next time you send something. ModemConfig: lets you select between 4 predefined modem configurations. Sending 25 bytes Mode=0 : Default medium range (75ms airtime) Mode=1 : Fast+short range (22ms airtime) Mode=2 : Slow+long range (1266ms airtime) Mode=3 : Slow+long range (Did not work on Dragino shield nor Dragino Lora Mini)
@janderkan · 2018-07-18