B4XSnippetDatabase [B4X]
Server picture File to B4XImageView VIA SQL Server [B4X]
Sometimes it is just easier to go SQL direct rather than a jrdc server. I can get binary files from the server usually directly, but not always and enabling SMB1 is required and a security risk some clients aren''t willing to go for.
@MrKim · 2023-08-15
B4XSnippetStrings [B4X]
Lakh format number [B4X]
Lakh format number [B4X]
@TILogistic · 2023-08-04
B4XSnippetDate/time [B4X]
Get month from day of year [B4X]
Get month from day of year [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2023-08-03
PDF to Image [B4XBitmap] [B4X] [B4Xpages]
PDF to Image [B4XBitmap] [B4X] [B4Xpages]
@Star-Dust · 2023-08-02
IsValidJSON [Conclusion] [B4X]
IsValidJSON [B4X]
@TILogistic · 2023-07-27
B4XSnippetDrawing [B4X]
Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Finding the Shortest Path Through a Connected Graph. [B4X]
Dijkstra’s Algorithm for Finding the Shortest Path Through a Connected Graph. [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2023-07-06
B4XSnippetEditText/Textview/TextArea/TextField [B4X]
MeasureMultilineTextHeight [B4X]
I was looking for a way to determine the height of a textview when it has multiline text. This function now makes that possible across platforms.
@Alexander Stolte · 2023-05-11
B4XSnippetBCTextEngine/BBCodeView [B4X]
Index ScrollTo Heights in BBCodeView - Marked Sections & Words Occurrences [B4X]
Index ScrollTo Heights in BBCodeView - Marked Sections & Words Occurrences [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2023-05-03
B4XSnippetStrings [B4X]
Occurrences [B4X]
Count occurrences of strings in other strings
@LucaMs · 2023-04-24
B4XSnippetB4X [B4X]
CopyObject [B4X]
Note that not all types are supported. Supported types are: primitives, strings, lists, maps, arrays of objects or bytes, custom types and any combination of those (a map that holds arrays of custom types).
@LucaMs · 2023-04-03
B4XSnippetAnimation [B4X]
Animate TextColor [B4X]
Just like setColorAnimated but for Text Color. Fades from existing color to TargetColor.
@epiCode · 2023-04-02
Custom Color Picker Bar [BitmapCreator] [B4X]
Custom Color Picker Bar [BitmapCreator] [B4X]
@Mike1970 · 2023-03-11
B4XSnippetDesigner [B4J][B4XPAGES]
A Helper App for Examining and Documenting Designer Layouts [B4J] [B4XPages]
A Helper App for Examining and Documenting Designer Layouts [B4J] [B4XPages]
@William Lancee · 2023-02-27
B4XSnippetGPS/location/maps [B4X]
Calculate the bearing between two coordinates [B4X]
Calculate the bearing between two coordinates [B4X]
@aminoacid · 2023-02-11
B4XSnippetDrawing [B4X, B4XPAGES]
Happy Hearts Day with Fun-tasia Flowers [B4X, B4XPAges]
Happy Hearts Day with Fun-tasia Flowers [B4X, B4XPAges]
@William Lancee · 2023-02-02
B4XSnippetGPS/location/maps [GPS, FLP, MQTT][B4X]
ShareYourSpot [GPS, FLP, MQTT] 0$ [B4X]
ShareYourSpot [GPS, FLP, MQTT] 0$ [B4X]
@Magma · 2023-01-31
B4XSnippetDesigner [B4X][DSE]
Designer Script Extensions - Scaling Preserving Aspect Ratio [B4X] [DSE]
Designer Script Extensions - Scaling Preserving Aspect Ratio [B4X] [DSE]
@William Lancee · 2023-01-29
B4XSnippetStrings [B4X]
Calculate width of Charsequence Text [B4X]
Calculate width of Charsequence Text [B4X]
@epiCode · 2023-01-26
B4XSnippetColour [B4J, B4X, IDE]
The ColorMix Helper App - A Standalone Standby [B4J, B4X, IDE]
The ColorMix Helper App - A Standalone Standby [B4J, B4X, IDE]
@William Lancee · 2023-01-21
B4XSnippetDate/time [B4X]
XUI Views B4XDateTemplate amendment to autochange the year [B4X]
This just makes the year change +/-1 if the month changes from Jan to Dec, or vice versa.
@Chris2 · 2023-01-18
Class Template Builder
A simple tool to create XML+JAR files for Class Templates
@spsp · 2022-12-24
B4XSnippetCustomView [XUI][CUSTOM VIEWS]
Create Event Name for CallSub [XUI] [Custom Views]
Just a simple method that makes creating event names for CallSub easier. Useful for Custom Views.
@LWGShane · 2022-12-22
Student Position Ranking
I was searching the community for a snippet for student ranking for a system I was building last month but never came accross a what I needed. I found a JavaScript on stackoverflow and re-wrote it in b4x.
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2022-12-21
Get data type from 1D string array
This is mainly needed for if the data needs to be sorted eg in a flexible table.
@RB Smissaert · 2022-12-19
B4XSnippetB4X [B4X][XUI]
Accurate Text Measurement and Drawing [B4X] [XUI]
XUI v1.60 includes a new method named B4XCanvas.MeasureText. This method accurately measures single line strings. It returns a B4XRect object with the width and height of the measured string. The Top field returns the highest point relative to the baseline. With these values it is possible to accurately vertically center the text with this code (works in all three platforms)
@Erel · 2022-12-12
B4XSnippetWebSocket [B4X]
Websockets Client Connect and Reconnect [B4X]
Websockets Client Connect and Reconnect [B4X]
@aminoacid · 2022-12-03
B4XSnippetDrawing [B4X]
Fitting a smooth curved line to a sequence of points [B4X]
Fitting a smooth curved line to a sequence of points [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2022-09-27
B4XSnippetImages [B4J][B4XPAGES]
Artifying an image - creating an impressionistic effect. [B4J] [B4XPages]
Artifying an image - creating an impressionistic effect. [B4J] [B4XPages]
@William Lancee · 2022-09-26
B4XSnippetImages [B4X]
Reduce an image file to a specific size - for example, <500KB to upload to the Forum. [B4X]
Reduce an image file to a specific size - for example, <500KB to upload to the Forum. [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2022-09-26
B4XSnippetAudio/Video [B4X]
Audio Streaming UDP [B4X]
Based on this @Erel code that simulated a Walkie Talkie, I developed a system for streaming audio between Android and Desktop devices with UDP. I found that some routers lose a lot of UDP packets (a high percentage) and the sound is not uniform. If you notice a discontinuous and disturbed sound, it could be the router system.
@Star-Dust · 2022-09-21