Bytes To File [B4X]
Write an array of bytes to a file and read a file into an array of bytes. Note that you can convert complex objects (and simple objects) to bytes and vice versa with B4XSerializator from the RandomAccessFile library.
@Erel · 2020-05-24
Check is URL [B4X]
Check is URL [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2020-05-19
Check Valid E-Mail Format [B4X]
Check Valid E-Mail Format [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2020-05-18
Count Regex Matches [B4X]
Count Regex Matches [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2020-05-18
Validate Password strength [B4X]
Validate Password strength [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2020-05-18
Find used libraries [B4A, B4J,B4In B4R]
Find used libraries [B4A, B4J,B4In B4R]
@spsp · 2020-05-12
Fast and stable 1D array index sorts [B4X]
These are for 1D arrays, type specific and stable sorts. There are 4 sets for Int, Double, Long and String arrays.
@RB Smissaert · 2020-05-01
Canvas - ensure free mouse drawing without gaps [smooth continuous drawing] [B4X]
Canvas - ensure free mouse drawing without gaps [smooth continuous drawing] [B4X]
@moster67 · 2020-04-26
Double [Multi] Column CLV [B4X]
Double [Multi] Column CLV [B4X]
@Mike1970 · 2020-04-08
B4XTable - Resize columns based on content [B4X]
B4XTable - Resize columns based on content [B4X]
@Erel · 2020-04-01
Referring back to properties and methods of an instance of a Class
I made my actual App an single instance of a Class. That worked fine until I needed to instantiate another helper Class. How to reference back to the original App instance''s properties and methods?
@William Lancee · 2020-03-22
B4XTable Export to JSON [B4X]
B4XTable Export to JSON [B4X]
@Brian Michael · 2020-03-17
Inline Data Capture for Use in Development and Testing [B4X]
Say you want to create a small data set for testing. You can grab something from Excel, Word, or an old File and copy it to the Clipboard. While in the IDE, you can then paste it in the smart string section of the Sub shown below (or if it is reasonable small just type it in). It converts it then into a civilized list of string arrays. Of course if you already do this or are used to setting up a separate testing file. Then this is not for you.
@William Lancee · 2020-03-17
B4XDialog - show with animation [B4X]
Slides the dialog from one of the sides.
@Erel · 2020-02-24
HexToColor and ColorToHex [B4X]
Converts hex color strings to a color int value and vice versa
@Erel · 2020-02-24
Contrast Background and text colors [B4X]
If you have an app in which the user can change the background colour you need to be able to change the text colour of controls accordingly. I found a code snippet that returns black or white depending on the luminosity of a colour which seems to do the trick
@stevel05 · 2020-01-13
LED Matrix [B4x]
This is a Custom view b4xlib that I created to add to my LogServer, I though it may come in handy for other purposes so I''d share it here. You can have any number of channels (Rows) and a practical limit of 32 LED''s (Columns) per channel as the state for each channel is stored in an Int, which is a 32 Bit variable. If you really want more you can change the State variable to a Long and then get up to 64. It will help if you know, or are willing to learn, how to manipulate bits with the Bit Command.
@stevel05 · 2019-12-20
Google Geocoding REST API [B4X]
Google Geocoding REST API [B4X]
@Erel · 2019-12-12
MineXML Auto create Class and b4xlib [B4x]
A B4j tool that started out as an XML viewer based on the XML2Map lib, but quickly changed into a parser and Class and library creator. I wanted to improve my knowledge of XML files, and this is the result. The resulting code and libraries should be cross platform, Tested on B4j and B4a and should work on B4i. What it does: - Extract XML keys from an XML file - Merge multiple files to extract keys - Allows adding friendly names for the keys - Creates a class to access the selected keys from an XML file using the assigned friendly names (or tags from the XML if not defined) - Export the class as a b4xlib - Warn if a key is present in an XML file that is not recognised. (Optional)
@stevel05 · 2019-11-26
B4XDrawer touch dismiss when GestureEnabled is false [B4X]
I''m not sure if this is a feature of not, but I noticed that if the GestureEnabled flag is set to False, touching on the dark part of the screen ''outside'' of the drawer does not dismiss the drawer.
@Andrew (Digitwell) · 2019-11-13
How to generate a GUID
@Erel · 2019-10-31
UUID version 4 Generator [B4X]
UUID version 4 Generator [B4X]
@mcqueccu · 2019-10-31
Check if color is dark or light [B4X]
Check if color is dark or light [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2019-10-13
Adding accessibility text to objects [B4X]
Turning on the screen reader in iOS and Android will automatically read out labels and text strings, but it does not work for other items such as button which only have an image in them. To do this you need to add accessibility text. Here is a cross platform way of doing that. This works for B4i & B4A only. It seems that iOS allows accessibility text on all objects, e.g. polygons on Google Maps, whilst Android only allows it for views.
@Andrew (Digitwell) · 2019-10-11
convert seconds to ticks [B4X]
convert seconds to ticks [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2019-08-09
B4R Ints to B4A and B4J Ints
B4R Ints to B4A and B4J Ints
@rodmcm · 2019-07-12
FirebaseRealtimeDatabase [B4X]
A module that makes it easy to communicate with a Firebase RealtimeDatabase using their REST API.
@nobbi59 · 2019-06-17
Code to extract the paths of the src attribute in all tags of a HTML document [B4X]
Code to extract the paths of the src attribute in all tags of a HTML document [B4X]
@fredo · 2019-05-22
@fredo · 2019-04-30
XUI Views - Time Dialog [B4X]
XUI Views - Time Dialog [B4X]
@aeric · 2019-04-19