B4XSnippetStrings [B4X]
Simple: Get the value of an HTML or XML tag. [B4X]
Simple: Get the value of an HTML or XML tag. [B4X]
@TILogistic · 2024-04-12
B4XClassSearchView [B4X][XUI]
MiniSearchView AutoComplete field [B4X] [XUI]
A cross platform, compact version of SearchView. The custom view is made of a TextField / EditText and a horizontal CLV above it that shows the matching items. The user can click on the items in the list or press enter to autocomplete.
@Erel · 2024-04-11
B4XSnippetAudio/Video [B4X]
Another alternative video player [B4X]
Another alternative video player [B4X]
@TILogistic · 2024-04-07
B4XSnippetStrings [B4X]
Extract the structure of a URL [B4X]
Extract the structure of a URL [B4X]
@TILogistic · 2024-04-05
B4XLibraryBreadcrumbs [B4X][XUI]
XQ BreadCrumbs [B4X] [XUI]
A simple breadcrumb view, using a horizontal xcustomlistview.
@fat32 · 2024-04-05
B4XLibraryCardView [B4X][XUI]
AS Swipe Card - a tinder like swipeable card view [B4X] [XUI]
AS Swipe Card - a tinder like swipeable card view [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-04-02
B4XLibraryTreeView [B4X][XUI]
iSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
iSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2024-04-02
B4XLibraryTreeView [B4X][XUI]
jSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
jSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2024-04-02
B4XLibraryTreeView [B4X][XUI]
SD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
SD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2024-04-02
B4XLibraryButton [B4X][XUI]
XQ MiniListButton [B4X] [XUI]
A small button, that changes/cycles values from a list. Very useful, to allow user to select specific values from a list.
@fat32 · 2024-03-31
B4XLibraryPane(l) [B4X][XUI]
XQ XPandPanel [B4X] [XUI]
An expandable panel with a titlebar (xq-titlebar), than can host any other view, inside the panel. It can have up to 5 icons in the right corner, one icon in the left corner and the title is auto-adjustable. The panel can also be animated while expanding/collapsing.
@fat32 · 2024-03-31
B4XSnippetStrings [B4X]
GetFileParts [B4X]
This snippet is useful for getting: Path, FileName and FileExtension, for convenience in a single custom object.
@LucaMs · 2024-03-30
Randomize Re-Sort List
Randomize Re-Sort List
@Magma · 2024-03-30
B4XLibraryAction Bar, Drawer, etc [B4X][XUI]
XQ TitleBar [B4X] [XUI]
A simple view, that is used as a Title/Action Bar, with icons and adjustable title.
@fat32 · 2024-03-28
B4XSnippetImages [B4X]
Multi-platform SVG to B4XBitmap Conversion with a Hidden Webview [B4X]
Multi-platform SVG to B4XBitmap Conversion with a Hidden Webview [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2024-03-26
B4XLibraryKeyboard [B4X]
SD CustomKeyboard [B4X]
SD CustomKeyboard [B4X]
@Star-Dust · 2024-03-26
B4XSnippetB4X [B4X]
Wait For the first task to complete [B4X]
Wait For the first task to complete [B4X]
@Erel · 2024-03-21
B4XClassOAuth [CLASS][B4X]
Google OAuth2 [class] [B4X]
It is no longer possible to use WebView to implement Google''s OAuth2 authentication. The solution is to open the default browser and set the redirection uri in such a way that the browser will redirect the response back to our app. GoogleOAuth2 class takes care of several tasks: 1. Opening the browser and getting the authorization code. 2. Getting and saving the access token and refresh token from the authorization code. 3. Getting a new access token when it expires using the refresh token.
@Erel · 2024-03-19
B4XLibraryB4X [B4X]
B4XIndexOfObject [B4X]
Multi-platform library (B4A, B4J, B4i) that provides only one very useful method: Find. Its purpose is to be able to obtain the index of a List like the IndexOf method easily even if the elements contained in the List are objects and not simple strings or numbers.
@LucaMs · 2024-03-18
B4XLibraryAI/ML [B4X]
OpenAI - A.I. Text & Image generation [B4X]
OpenAI - A.I. Text & Image generation [B4X]
@Blueforcer · 2024-03-18
B4X Help program
B4X Help program
@klaus · 2024-03-16
B4XTutorialCombobox [B4X]
AS TextFieldAdvanced - ComboBox [B4X]
In this example I will show you how to quickly and easily turn the TextField into a ComboBox.
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-03-12
B4XSnippetAnimation [B4X]
Easing Functions [B4X]
Code module containing 22 Ease In/out functions
@mohsyn · 2024-03-06
B4XLibraryCharts [B4X]
A B4XPages Class for Displaying a Flexible Horizontal Tree [B4X]
A B4XPages Class for Displaying a Flexible Horizontal Tree [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2024-03-01
B4XLibraryCombobox [B4X]
ComboBoxPlus - ComboBox with individual color configurable items [B4X]
ComboBoxPlus - ComboBox with individual color configurable items [B4X]
@gregchao · 2024-02-25
B4XTutorialSlider [B4X]
AS RangeSlider + AS Clock = Sleep Schedule Picker [B4X]
This is a short example of what is possible with these 2 views.
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-24
B4XLibraryMenu [BOTTOM MENU][B4X][XUI]
AS Tab Menu [Bottom Menu] [B4X] [XUI]
A better, simpler, faster and scalable Tab/Bottom-Menu
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-24
B4XTutorialEditText/Textview/TextArea/TextField [B4X]
AS TextFieldAdvanced Password Strength Indicator [B4X]
AS TextFieldAdvanced Password Strength Indicator [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-24
B4XLibraryFirebase [B4X]
Firebase Auth REST Helper - manage the access tokens [B4X]
The advantage of the rest API of Firebase auth is that it can be used cross platform. The downside is, we have to take care of the user access tokens ourselves. That''s why I wrote this class, it works with the "FirebaseAuthREST" class.
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-24
B4XTutorialPreferences [B4X]
AS Settings - Action Property [B4X]
AS Settings - Action Property [B4X]
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-14