iSD_TreeList B4AB4IB4J
iSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2024-04-02v0.27
jSD_TreeList B4AB4IB4J
jSD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2024-04-02v0.27
SD_TreeList B4AB4IB4J
SD_TreeList [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2024-04-02v0.27
XQ MiniListButton B4AB4IB4J
A small button, that changes/cycles values from a list. Very useful, to allow user to select specific values from a list.
@fat32 · 2024-03-31v2024-03-31
XQ XPandPanel B4AB4IB4J
An expandable panel with a titlebar (xq-titlebar), than can host any other view, inside the panel. It can have up to 5 icons in the right corner, one icon in the left corner and the title is auto-adjustable. The panel can also be animated while expanding/collapsing.
@fat32 · 2024-03-31v2024-03-31
XQ TitleBar B4AB4IB4J
A simple view, that is used as a Title/Action Bar, with icons and adjustable title.
@fat32 · 2024-03-28v2024-03-28
SD CustomKeyboard B4AB4IB4J
SD CustomKeyboard [B4X]
@Star-Dust · 2024-03-26v1.20
B4XIndexOfObject B4AB4IB4J
Multi-platform library (B4A, B4J, B4i) that provides only one very useful method: Find. Its purpose is to be able to obtain the index of a List like the IndexOf method easily even if the elements contained in the List are objects and not simple strings or numbers.
@LucaMs · 2024-03-18v2024-03-18
OpenAI - A.I. Text & Image generation B4AB4IB4J
OpenAI - A.I. Text & Image generation [B4X]
@Blueforcer · 2024-03-18v2024-03-18
Android UI components 2024 - TUMMO UI B4A
Android UI components 2024 - TUMMO UI
@tummosoft · 2024-03-12v2024-03-12
B4XDrawer Extension B4A
B4XDrawer with tree structure, icons, colours
@Guenter Becker · 2024-03-08v2024-03-08
xSQLCipher for Android Sqlcipher 4.5.4 B4A
This library is modified based on Erel''''s source code. I tried popular SQLCipher libraries like Zetetic, Guardianproject but Sqlcipher worked better, even though this library is no longer updated.
@tummosoft · 2024-03-04v2024-03-04
SQLCipher B4A
Encrypted databases. SQLCipher is an open source project that extends SQLite and adds full database encryption. B4A SQLCipher object is a special subtype of SQL object. There is almost no need to change any code in order to switch from regular SQL to SQLCipher.
@Erel · 2024-03-03v1.70
A B4XPages Class for Displaying a Flexible Horizontal Tree B4AB4IB4J
A B4XPages Class for Displaying a Flexible Horizontal Tree [B4X]
@William Lancee · 2024-03-01v2024-03-01
ComboBoxPlus - ComboBox with individual color configurable items B4AB4IB4J
ComboBoxPlus - ComboBox with individual color configurable items [B4X]
@gregchao · 2024-02-25v20.00
AS Tab Menu B4AB4IB4J
A better, simpler, faster and scalable Tab/Bottom-Menu
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-24v1.35
Firebase Auth REST Helper - manage the access tokens B4AB4IB4J
The advantage of the rest API of Firebase auth is that it can be used cross platform. The downside is, we have to take care of the user access tokens ourselves. That''''s why I wrote this class, it works with the "FirebaseAuthREST" class.
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-24v1.02
GSheet Library B4AB4IB4J
GSheet Library [integrate google sheets into your B4X apps easily]
@fernando1987 · 2024-02-13v1.0
Customise GATT Services - BLEPeripheral2Enhanced B4A
I''''ve added the following features to the original BlePeripheral2 V1.12 library which I''''ve renamed to BlePeripheral2Enhanced V1.5.: Create a custom primary service with your own unique UUID Create multiple characteristics with your own unique UUIDs under the primary service UUID Characteristics can be set to either Read and Write, just Read or just Write Set notifications Get the sending characteristic UUID Get the received data as a String, Hexadecimal or Binary
@Peter Simpson · 2024-02-11v1.53
AS CountryPicker B4AB4IB4J
A phone number prefix, flag emoji, country code picker
@Alexander Stolte · 2024-02-10v1.02