✨ IronSource Ads B4A
IronSource Ads
@Pendrush · 2022-04-07v7.21
✨ CLVItemToolbox - custom view. B4AB4IB4J
When you create an item layout for your xCustomListView in the Designer, add this CLVItemToolbox like any other view. You can choose which of the 3 icons to display (Check, Edit, Remove) and change the images if you don''''t like them.
@LucaMs · 2022-03-30v1.31
✨ lmB4XSQLiteDump B4AB4IB4J
This library allows you to dump SQLite database tables.
@LucaMs · 2022-03-29v2022-03-29
✨ lmInputDlg B4AB4IB4J
Cross platform (B4A, B4J, B4I) simple but useful input dialog, based on B4XDialog (ShowCustom).
@LucaMs · 2022-03-26v2022-03-26
✨ Uri2Tools - Library. B4A
Uri2Tools provides information such as: - Dir (i.e. full path name of the file) - FileName (i.e. the name of the file) - FullPath (i.e. the full path name of the file) - NamePath (i.e. the name of the folder) - MimeType (i.e. file type "mime_type") - Modified (ie the date of last modification "last_modified") - RealName (i.e. the real file name) - Size (i.e. file size) - SizeUnit (i.e. file size (example: 32MB)) - Success (i.e. the status of the operation''''s success (Load ("* / *", "Choose file")) in addition, it provides information: - GetSDKversion (i.e. a working version of the SDK on the phone) - DirRootExternal (i.e. the name of the full path on the device) - ExtSDCard (i.e. the name of the full path of the external memory) - OnlyDevice (i.e. checks if the phone has additional external memory)
@T201016 · 2022-03-22v2022-03-22
✨ ColourThief B4A
This is a port to B4X of the original ColorThief algorithm by Lokesh Dhakar.
@John Naylor · 2022-03-16v2022-03-16
✨ TapCard - scan your NFC enabled Bank Card with your NFC enable device B4A
TapCard - scan your NFC enabled Bank Card with your NFC enable device
@Johan Schoeman · 2022-03-12v2022-03-12
✨ TDDButils Database Management for SQlite and SQLiteCipher B4A
TDDButils Database Management for SQlite and SQLiteCipher
@Guenter Becker · 2022-03-09v2022-03-09
✨ B4XCollections - More collections B4AB4IB4J
B4XCollections is a b4x lib. It adds several cross platform collections. It includes a static module named B4XCollections which should be used to create new instances of the collections. You can either create new empty collections or pass the initial data.
@Erel · 2022-03-08v1.13
✨ SD CreativeBackgroud B4AB4IB4J
This new library is based on my latest work of gradual backgrounds and @JordiCP ''''s code that gave me permission to rework it and insert it in a custom view.
@Star-Dust · 2022-03-08v0.06
✨ ReplyAuto - Library Response WhatsApp, Telegram B4A
ReplyAuto - Library Response WhatsApp, Telegram [background service]
@jsaplication.mobile · 2022-03-04v2022-03-04
✨ extended editText view B4A
extended editText view
@Guenter Becker · 2022-03-02v2022-03-02
✨ TDSLinput B4A
TDSLinput stands for TechDoc Single Line input. It is a Custom View (XUI) for the use with Anywhere B4A Suite. The view is usable by the Designer Tool of the suite or by code. The view is developed in B4A Language and compiled to a B4A Library (JAR/XML) to be used as external and additional library for the suite. TDSLinput creates a flexible single line input form. The form structure is based on an individual or a predefined Mask. On the screen it looks like a formatted EditText View with special features.
@Guenter Becker · 2022-03-02v2022-03-02
✨ LineUtils v1.2 - get required height for multiline TextView/label with variable line spacing B4AB4IB4J
LineUtils v1.2 - get required height for multiline TextView/label with variable line spacing [B4X]
@mohsyn · 2022-02-27v2022-02-27
✨ Firebase Email/Password authentication B4A
Wrap to integrate firebase auth email/password authentication.
@Enrico Fuoti · 2022-02-25v1.4
✨ Flutterwave B4A Android Library B4A
This is a library for easy integration of Flutterwave with your Android application with B4A. Use this library in your B4A project.
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2022-02-23v2022-02-23
✨ B4XSwitch changing colors in runtime B4AB4IB4J
B4XSwitch changing colors in runtime [B4X]
@Blueforcer · 2022-02-22v2022-02-22
✨ SD_ClockRange B4AB4IB4J
I wanted to create a view that would help me for a Timer. (MinRange - MaxRange) It could be for minutes or hours and then an editable Range. Furthermore, the user had to be able to choose where to start and where to end (MinValue - MaxValue) The timer when it started had to show how far it had gone (MinLevel-Max_Level).
@Star-Dust · 2022-02-16v0.04
✨ ShThumbUpButton B4A
A nice thumbs up control
@Salar82 · 2022-02-06v2022-02-06
✨ Play RTSP easily B4A
Play RTSP easily
@darabon · 2022-02-02v2022-02-02