MetroUI_TimeEdit B4A
A component that can be useful if you are dealing with time zones. You can manage Hours - Minutes and Seconds as you wish.
@Ertan · 2021-10-29v2021-10-29
PHPMailer B4A
PHPMailer( is a code library to send emails safely and easily via PHP code from a web server. This B4A Library is to allow sending of Emails in B4A Apps with online PHP servers.
@Claude Obiri Amadu · 2021-10-27v2021-10-27
FlowMenu - Sleek Animated Menu B4A
FlowMenu - Sleek Animated Menu [B4A]
@mohsyn · 2021-10-22v2021-10-22
Facebook Audience Network Library B4A
Facebook Audience Network Library
@Pendrush · 2021-10-14v6.50
ImageDownloader Service B4A
Simple way to efficiently download multiple images
@Erel · 2021-10-10v2021-10-10
Android View Animations Library B4A
Android View Animations Library
@Pendrush · 2021-10-08v1.10
Dialogs2 library - an update to the original Dialogs library B4A
I wrote the original Dialogs library many moons ago and it has suffered with age owing to the changes made to Android and B4A over the years despite the administrations of several other people. Although modal dialogs are deprecated in general they are still very convenient for use with my BasicIDE on-device development environment which does not implement Wait For, although there is an ugly workaround. Therefore I have taken the Dialogs v4.01 source code and updated it into a new Dialogs2 library. Every dialog, except CustomLayoutDialog now supports both Show and ShowAsync. In past editions of B4A events raised by views on a CustomDialog or CustomDialog2 would run while the dialog was shown modally but over the years Erel has had to change the Msgbox mechanism as Android has (d)evolved and now custom dialogs that relied on events from views on the dialog no longer work as expected. For example in the reworked CustomDialog2 example in the DialogsDemo file the ListView ItemClick no longer works when Show is invoked but is fine with ShowAsync while a Button Click works in both cases.
@agraham · 2021-10-07v1.2
xSidebarView B4AB4IB4J
A Customview to create a simple Sidebar. Its a modified xCustomlistView and works great with B4X Drawer. You can add 4 types of elements: Header, Seperator, headlines and items. As Itemicon you can use Bitmaps, Fontawesome or Material Icon.
@Blueforcer · 2021-10-04v2021-10-04
B4XGifView - Cross platform animated gif view B4AB4IB4J
I was missing a cross platform, animated gif view, so created one.
@Erel · 2021-09-29v1.12
Trie based search dialog B4AB4IB4J
Trie based search dialog [B4X]
@Erel · 2021-09-28v2021-09-28
SpeechRecognitionNoUI - google speech recognition without popup B4A
With this, you can add speech recognition feature to your application without google speech recognition popup
@Biswajit · 2021-09-26v1.6
CLVNested - Allows nesting CLVs B4A
Putting a CLV inside another one will not work out of the box. The inner list will not be scrollable. CLVNested makes it possible. Limitations: - One list per item. - The user will not be able to interact with the inner list views. - Will not work with other extensions that "steal" the touch events such as CLVSwipe.
@Erel · 2021-09-20v1.10
Call a sub from a list using variable parameters/conditions
@LucaMs · 2021-09-12v1.10
WebViewAssetLoader - the demo B4A
Questions about webview''''s failing to load local resources under sdk30 are starting to pop up occasionally. What it boils down to is google wants you to use the https:// scheme to load local resources into webviews. This is a problem if you don''''t run a secure server on the same device as the app.
@drgottjr · 2021-09-09v2021-09-09
xCLV with Navigation Buttons B4A
A modified xCLV to display navigation button to scroll up or down to bottom.
@mohsyn · 2021-09-05v2021-09-05
LEDLabel 1.01 B4A
This allows you to make a label with tiny indicator on left which can be turned on or off (with any choice of color)
@mohsyn · 2021-08-30v2021-08-30
MetroUI_TextView B4A
We have made our first special component and put it into use. We Have No Expectations. If you want, you can take the codes with winrar and open B4Xlib codes, edit and duplicate them. Because Sharing is Good.
@Ertan · 2021-08-25v3.3
Crashlytics - crash reports B4A
Crashlytics is a crash reporting service similar to FirebaseCrash. It is part of Firebase services and it will probably replace FirebaseCrash at some point. It requires B4A v7.8+.
@Erel · 2021-08-24v2021-08-24
AMCompassView B4AB4IB4J
AMCompassView [B4X] [XUI Views]
@AmirMK82 · 2021-08-22v1,00
B4XCheckInternetLM B4AB4IB4J
Very simple cross-platform library to test if an Internet connection is active.
@LucaMs · 2021-08-22v1.10