✨ ashImageZoom library B4A
A zoomable ImageView that behaves like an image in a WebView
@a n g l o · 2021-07-12v2021-07-12
✨ extDBUtils B4A
DBUtils with extended functionality
@Guenter Becker · 2021-07-08v2021-07-08
✨ DL Youtube ExoPlayer B4AB4IB4J
We all know the excellent ExoPlayer, too bad it doesn''''t load videos from youtube links. With this Library (B4A, B4i, B4J) it is possible to view the direct youtube link on both ExoPlayer and WebView.
@MarcoRome · 2021-06-23v1.22
✨ OldGoogleConsent - FirebaseAdmob2 with the old Google consent manager B4A
OldGoogleConsent - FirebaseAdmob2 with the old Google consent manager
@Erel · 2021-06-22v2021-06-22
✨ AdsHelper extends FirebaseAdMob2 / Google Mobile Ads v20.0+ B4A
AdsHelper is a class that adds the following features: - Managing the user consent with Google''''s User Messaging Platform: https://developers.google.com/admob/ump/android/quick-start - App Open Ads: https://developers.google.com/admob/android/app-open-ads It can be extended with more features.
@Erel · 2021-06-20v2021-06-20
✨ AdsHelper Extension for Traditional B4A apps & more B4A
I wanted to share an update I made to the AdsHelper class and example. Added: - support for rewarded video ads - events for rewarded video - events for rewarded interstitial - events for open ads - added parameter for open ads for setting the background delay before allowing the ad to show - incorporated native ad example and moved the code into a separate class example of a fixed size banner ad (300x250) - support for traditional B4A apps
@Jack Cole · 2021-06-19v2021-06-19
✨ FirebaseAdMob B4A
Admob ads integrated with Firebase backend
@Erel · 2021-06-16v2
✨ B4A - AH_TakeScreenShot B4A
You can take a screenshot of the screen with a single line of code.
@alirezahassan · 2021-06-14v1.0
✨ arfRewardedAd - Reward Ads for AdMob2 B4A
arfRewardedAd - Reward Ads for AdMob2
@arf programas · 2021-06-11v2021-06-11
✨ B4A - AH_ActivityScreenShot B4A
You can take a screenshot of the screen with a single line of code.
@alirezahassan · 2021-06-03v1.0
✨ RootBeer - Root checker library B4A
RootBeer - Root checker library
@Pendrush · 2021-05-31v0.08
✨ BBListItem - BCTextEngine inside CLV B4AB4IB4J
BBCodeView is a scrollable view by itself. Trying to put it inside a CLV will cause all kinds of problems. BBListItem is a modified version of BBCodeView, which is built for being contained in a CLV. Among other things, it only draws the currently visible text.
@Erel · 2021-05-27v2021-05-27
✨ MaterialIcons Web Font Chooser B4AB4IB4J
This is an icon chooser tool for the MaterialIcons Web font: https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign-Webfont This font includes 3595 icons. The built-in material icons font includes about 800 icons.
@Erel · 2021-05-26v2021-05-26
✨ Global Proxy Connector & DNS Changer B4A
This library enables you to connect to proxy servers using Android''''s VpnService.
@sfsameer · 2021-05-25v2.0
✨ B4A - AH_CheckInternet B4A
Library with these functions: 1. Check the status of the airplane mode 2. Check internet connection status 3. Check the roaming status of the device 4. Check VPN connection status 5. Check Data State status 6. Get the name of the mobile operator 7. Get the type of mobile data connection 8. Get Sim Operator 9. Get the type of internet connection (WiFi, mobile data) 10. Get IP Address IPv4 11. Get IP Address IPv6 12. Get Get mac address 13. Check is IPv4 or IPv6 14. Get Ping Host 15. Get Ping 16. Get Ping Log 17. Get Ping States 18. More features coming
@alirezahassan · 2021-05-23v1.5
✨ PlistParser B4AB4IB4J
Parser for Apple''''s plist, XML based, format: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_list
@Erel · 2021-05-23v2021-05-23
✨ Convert/Compress Image - WebP, JPG, PNG B4A
Convert/Compress Image between different formats WebP, JPG, PNG.
@Pendrush · 2021-05-17v2021-05-17
✨ MC7RecyclerView B4A
@M-CAP7AIN · 2021-05-11v2021-05-11
✨ CaptchaView B4A
Use this for captcha challenge in your applications
@jahswant · 2021-05-10v0.2
✨ ErrorView B4A
Custom error view for webview
@jahswant · 2021-05-10v0.5