✨ iQBImagePicker - Multiple selection image picker B4I
This is a wrapper for QBImagePicker https://github.com/questbeat/QBImagePicker, an image picker that provides for multiple image and video selection.
@CaptKronos · 2021-05-22v1.20
This is a wrapper for QBImagePicker https://github.com/questbeat/QBImagePicker, an image picker that provides for multiple image and video selection.
Switch with 2 or 3 states. Horizontal or vertical. Settable by Design.
This library allows you to connect and read data from BLE peripheral devices.
SD ElasticTrimmer [B4X] [XUI]
BitmapCreatorEffects class includes all kinds of very simple to use image effects. The class is cross platform and compatible with B4J (v6.3+), B4A (v8.3+) and B4i (v5.0+).
Format dates in GMT time zone without changing the app''''s time zone [B4X]
1. SafariController is a full page controller. It is not a view. 2. You can only use it to show web content. You cannot extract anything or modify the content. 3. It is a full browser with most of Mobile Safari features. Another important feature of SafariController is that it can open non-https urls without disabling the ATS service. Apple will make it impossible (or difficult) to disable it in the future.
UM_Add To Cart [B4X] [XUI]
YAML parser [B4X]
I started developing a version of the HttpServer Library for iOs. It is still a beta version and not complete, but already functional. You can start using it to test it. Digest Auth will be added in the future. It is entirely written in B4i, it depends on the iNetwork library
This is a custom view (cvMap) which can display Open Street Map.
Zip / Unzip
This library supports: - Generating cryptographically secure random values. - Hash calculations (message digest) - Encryption and decryption
Edit: the library is already included in the IDE. - A WebSocket client implementation
This library allows you to encrypt or decrypt data using the AES encryption method.
AS Floating Loading Button [B4X] [XUI]
With this view you can create gradients panels, with dynamic colors and sizes.
This is a Lock View, to secure private user data in the app, the user must enter a code to get ahead.
A little and simple Loading View
Scroll between pages of data for any view. When the page scrolls update the data for the next page and it is scrolled into place.