iAXMaterialProgress B4I
A material style progress wheel for iOS
@User242424 · 2020-10-21v2020-10-21
Firebase Crashlytics B4I
This is a wrapper of Firebase Crashlytics library for B4i. I made this for @Jack Cole and he gave me permission to post this in forum to help other users.
@Biswajit · 2020-10-15v2.0
BlurredDialog B4AB4IB4J
This class uses BitmapCreator to blur the background and show a panel at the center of the screen. It is compatible with B4A, B4J and B4i.
@Erel · 2020-10-14v2020-10-14
AS Onboarding View V1 B4AB4IB4J
If you want to show the new users the nicest features of your app, then i have the perfect view for you
@Alexander Stolte · 2020-10-10v1.12
B4xListManager B4AB4IB4J
This is a simple utility to manage a text list using XUI Views Custom Dialog. Useful for user management of options for example in a B4xComboBox or similar, or any other text list.
@stevel05 · 2020-10-07v2020-10-07
NFC - Reading Ndef tags B4I
iOS 11 adds support for reading Ndef tags. This feature is supported by iPhone 7 and newer devices. It requires Xcode 9. For now the hosted builders are running Xcode 8 (they will be upgraded in a month or two) so you must use a local builder.
@Erel · 2020-10-07v2020-10-07
GridManager B4AB4IB4J
GridManager [B4X] [custom view]
@XbNnX_507 · 2020-09-20v2020-09-20
AnotherDatePicker B4AB4IB4J
This is a cross platform version of AnotherDatePicker custom view based on XUI library.
@Erel · 2020-09-13v1.03
B4XLib - NHSocialShare library B4I
This is a library to share text in all social apps and not only... I compiled the code into a library and made it a lot easier for me and for everyone to use it.
@hatzisn · 2020-09-06v2020-09-06
SD Brightness B4AB4IB4J
SD Brightness [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2020-08-22v0.01
iSD DiscTimePicker B4AB4IB4J
iSD DiscTimePicker [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2020-07-27v0.04
AS Tab Strip B4AB4IB4J
This is a helper class to make it easier to create a tabstrip from the ASViewPager and ASTabMenu.
@Alexander Stolte · 2020-07-23v1.0
BCToolTip - cross platform tool tips B4AB4IB4J
It is based on BCTextEngine and it supports rich strings set with BBCode: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...-bbcode-parser-rich-text-view.106207
@Erel · 2020-06-30v2020-06-30
BitmapCreator - Pixels, Drawings and More B4AB4IB4J
BitmapCreator is a cross platform class. Its core is made of: 1. A bytes array that represents an image. 2. Platform specific code that efficiently creates a regular bitmap from the bytes array data (Bitmap property). 3. Platform specific code that efficiently extracts the pixels data from a bitmap and copies them to the bytes array (CopyPixelsFromBitmap). Reading and writing to an array of bytes are very quick operations. This allows low level access that was previously difficult to implement and more or less impossible to implement with cross platform code.
@Erel · 2020-06-28v4.73
Gif Maker for B4i B4I
Gif Maker for B4i
@ilan · 2020-06-23v2020-06-23
Persian Date Picker View B4AB4IB4J
Persian Date Picker View [Independent from B4XView]
@MegatenFreak · 2020-06-12v2020-06-12
MLabelAutoSize B4AB4IB4J
A small CustomView that uses canvas and MeasureText to draw a text that autoresizes to cover the entire view, without stretching.
@Emme Developer · 2020-06-07v2020-06-07
Animated Counter B4AB4IB4J
Animated Counter [B4X] [XUI]
@Erel · 2020-05-27v2020-05-27
AS ColorChooser B4AB4IB4J
AS ColorChooser [B4X] [XUI]
@Alexander Stolte · 2020-05-24v1.2
Amir_ChartView B4I
With this library, you can fully customise how your line chart looks. It’s easy to setup and use in any iOS project. It supports chart settings directly from interface builder with live preview. Automatic redrawing on orientation change will make it easy for an application that has portrait and landscape layout.
@alimanam3386 · 2020-05-16v2020-05-16