iSDWebImage Wrapper B4I
This library provides an async image downloader with cache support. For convenience, we added categories for UI elements like UIImageView , UIButton , MKAnnotationView .
@icefairy333 · 2017-02-07v2017-02-07
ImageloaderV2 B4I
Supports: 1.loading image from web(into imageview); image from web with callback event; 3.cache(or not) with files; 4.customize cache time setting
@icefairy333 · 2017-01-09v2017-01-09
cviRadioGroup B4I
RadioButton groups
@icefairy333 · 2016-12-30v2016-12-30
cviZoomableImageView B4I
You can using this to build picviewer class or image crop
@IceFairy333 · 2016-12-26v2016-12-26
iSpeechRecognition - Voice to Text B4I
iSpeechRecognition - Voice to Text
@Erel · 2016-11-10v2016-11-10
iContacts + ContactsUtils B4I
ContactsUtils is a class that together with iContacts library, provide read and write access to the device contacts store.
@Erel · 2016-11-09v2016-11-09
FacebookShare - Share Photo, Video, Link with native Facebook App B4I
After that Erel has added the iFacebook Library this is a small addon to be able to share photo, video, link with native Facebook iOS app. Those are just the basics. I can be extended a lot.
@narek adonts · 2016-09-26v2016-09-26
B4XCommunityLib B4AB4IB4J
A library that contains a lot of helpful functions
@ColdBlueLava · 2016-09-18v2016-09-18
clsSlideBar for B4A-B4i B4I
This class implements a "SlideBar" which is a cross between a B4A SeekBar and a B4i Slider. It presents the same interface on B4A and B4i, and in fact the class code is the same on B4A and B4i. i.e., you can select all of the class code in B4i and cut and paste it into a B4A class module (and vice versa). It is implemented as a Custom View so can be set up either in the Designer or programmatically. Examples of both are included in the attached sample project.
@Hugh Thomas · 2016-07-24v2016-07-24
Better Progress Bar and Circular with Stop, Blur, Small, Big and Colors
@Alberto Iglesias · 2016-07-12v1.78
iGoogleIdentity - Sign in with Google account B4I
Sign in with Google account
@Erel · 2016-05-02v2016-05-02
LLCameraVideoRec B4I
Record Video with LLCamera (audio inclusive)
@narek adonts · 2016-04-02v2016-04-02
Background Task B4I
Run a Sub in background thread without blocking the UI (Asynchronous)
@narek adonts · 2016-04-01v2016-04-01
ALAssets B4I
A tiny wrapper for the native ALAssets framework of iOS which let you get all the photos from the phone, put photos, create album, …
@narek adonts · 2016-03-30v2016-03-30
CADisplayLink B4I
A Timer that ticks on each display refresh
@narek adonts · 2016-03-30v2016-03-30
Contacts Library (iOS 9+) B4I
Retrieve contacts data on iOS 9+
@Haris Hafeez · 2016-02-07v2016-02-07
iComboBox B4I
Easy way to put combo in your B4i apps
@Alberto Iglesias · 2016-02-05v1.0.4
Image Transformation B4I
Blur Image, Black and White Image, Grey Image, Erode, Dilate, Emboss
@joilts · 2016-01-10v1.1
Allows displaying SVG graphics (Scalable Vectors Graphics)
@Erel · 2015-11-29v2015-11-29
ActivityBar B4I
Easy and Beautiful-to-use activity bar for B4i
@Alberto Iglesias · 2015-10-01v1.00