✨ Xml2Map - Simple way to parse XML documents B4AB4IB4J
Nobody likes to parse XML. Parsing JSON is simple and fun. Parsing XML is tedious and boring. That is the reason behind the Xml2Map class. It internally parses the XML document and returns a Map with the parsed data. It is similar to parsing JSON.
@Erel · 2023-07-16v1.01
✨ SD_TextView B4AB4IB4J
A more modern editText (or TextField), but different from the B4XFloatTextField
@Star-Dust · 2023-06-19v0.24
✨ B4XFormatter - Advanced number formatter B4AB4IB4J
B4XFormatter is an alternative to NumberFormat / NumberFormat2 keywords. It is implemented in B4X and it is cross platform.
@Erel · 2023-05-21v1.04
✨ iSD BLE Printer B4I
Print with Iphone (and iPad) with Bluetooh (BLE). At the moment I can not print the images, but I''''m working on it. If you want to have the activation code (Freeing all the functions) contact me in private.
@Star-Dust · 2023-05-07v0.25
✨ B4xBitSet_Utils Serialize a B4xBitSet B4AB4IB4J
I had a need to save the state of a B4xBitSet so I thought I should create a serializable version of it. The easiest method and compatible with B4xSerializator, was to create a list of Int values representing the bits.
@stevel05 · 2023-04-29v2023-04-29
✨ Music Tracker Box B4AB4IB4J
Music player libraries for MOD, S3M and XM formats.
@mazezone · 2023-04-05v2023-04-05
A library that allows you to connect to MySql, MsSql (for the moment) databases with B4A and B4J; B4I is work in progress.
@Star-Dust · 2023-04-05v0.07
✨ PagesTransition B4AB4IB4J
PagesTransition [B4XPages]
@Solutions Development · 2023-03-27v1.07
✨ BitmapsAsync B4AB4IB4J
A cross platform library that allows loading images using background threads. It can be useful with keeping the app responsive while loading many images.
@Erel · 2023-02-28v2023-02-28
✨ lmB4XComboBox V. 1.01 B4AB4IB4J
It is a modified version of the Erel''''s original B4XComboBox and allows you to store in it a value for each text item. Not rarely (mainly in DBs managements) you need a ComboBox in which an Item is made of a display value and an associated value, i.e. a "description field" of a table and the relative primary key (usually the classic Integer ID). Note that the type of the values associated is object, not just Int.
@LucaMs · 2023-01-16v2.03
✨ ListPlus library B4AB4IB4J
ListPlus can be defined as Single type list or Different types list. The first implies a list with the same types of variables or objects. ListPlus has a large number of additional methods compared to the native B4X List.
@Ivica Golubovic · 2022-12-26v1.0
✨ Expander v2 : Expandable CustomListView B4AB4IB4J
Expander v2 : Expandable CustomListView [B4X]
@epiCode · 2022-12-24v2022-12-24
✨ DSE_Layout - Align and Spread Controls B4AB4IB4J
DSE_Layout - Align and Spread Controls [B4X]
@HZZ · 2022-12-04v2022-12-04
✨ What3Words b4xlib B4AB4IB4J
This is a b4xlib for getting What3Words to coordinates, coordinates to What3Words and your location to What3Words
@hatzisn · 2022-11-29v2022-11-29
✨ SD_xMultiSpinner B4AB4IB4J
Spinner that allows selecting multiple items
@Star-Dust · 2022-10-14v0.05
✨ SD Selector B4AB4IB4J
SD Selector [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2022-10-13v0.05
✨ Dynamsoft Barcode Reader - Cross-Platform Barcode/QR Code Decoding Library B4AB4IB4J
Dynamsoft Barcode Reader is a barcode reading SDK written in C++ and has Java/Objective-C packages, so it is possible to wrap it as a B4X library using JavaObject and NativeObject. It is a commercial SDK that has good performance and customizability.
@xulihang · 2022-10-12v1.1.0
✨ SD Gauge B4AB4IB4J
SD Gauge [B4X]
@Star-Dust · 2022-10-10v2022-10-10
✨ xBusy - customizable busy indicator that also blocks background interaction. B4AB4IB4J
xBusy - customizable busy indicator that also blocks background interaction. [B4X] [XUI] [B4XLib]
@Segga · 2022-10-05v2022-10-05
✨ B4XEncryption B4AB4IB4J
@Erel · 2022-09-20v2022-09-20