jSD_Dice B4AB4IB4J
jSD_Dice [B4X] [XUI]
@Star-Dust · 2022-08-25v1.04
SD RollingBall B4AB4IB4J
Roll the balls on a billiard table
@Star-Dust · 2022-08-25v2022-08-25
Menu Manager B4J
Create menu''''s in code for menubar and context menus. This library supports Text Menu Items, Checkbox Menu items, Custom menu items and menu dividers. Features: Add Icons to menu items. Image, Fontawesome and MaterialIcons Add Shortcut keys to menu items Default and assignable style classes to style via css Set tags Set alternate eventnames for individual menu items Create sub menus Create Simple menus from a String array Add tooltips to custom menus content Nodes Change attributes for menuitems Most set methods return it''''s own class so they can be chained
@stevel05 · 2022-08-24v0.3
Arabic Numbers To Words B4AB4IB4J
Arabic Numbers To Words [B4X]
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2022-08-21v2022-08-21
DDDGrid - designer script grid B4AB4IB4J
A simple, cross platform, class that uses the designer script extension feature to create grids
@Erel · 2022-08-18v2022-08-18
AudioSpectrumVisualizer B4J
Display an audio spectrum using a Javafx AreaChart and the MediaPlayer AudioSpectrumListener
@stevel05 · 2022-08-17v2022-08-17
Code Module FFMPeg_Utils for jAudioTrack2 and jAudioRecord2 B4J
Using FFMPeg Command Line and jShell, it is possible to convert most file formats to and from a wav file that jAudioRecord2 writes and a jAudioTrack2 plays.
@stevel05 · 2022-08-17v0.11
DataScience B4AB4IB4J
This is a library contains Linear Regression class that predicts Y value for any given data contains X, Y row data.
@Hamied Abou Hulaikah · 2022-08-14v2022-08-14
jAudioTrack B4J
Here is the opposite number to jAudioRecord, again based on javax.sound.sampled it''''s setup is very similar.
@stevel05 · 2022-08-14v1.0
CmdTwain Wrapper B4J
This is a B4xlib to control the free command line Twain Scanning app CmdTwain. (Windows Only)
@stevel05 · 2022-08-12v0.12
SQLite JDBC - Library version updates B4J
SQLite JDBC - Library version updates
@Claudio Oliveira · 2022-08-08v2022-08-08
jAudioRecord B4J
This is an Audio Recording Library based on javax.sound.sampled that I have tried to make as simple to use as possible. It will record from the default device as selected in the Control Panel or Mixer (on Windows Machines).
@stevel05 · 2022-08-04v1.0
BANanoVuetifyAD3 Core Library B4J
BANanoVuetifyAD3 Core Library
@Mashiane · 2022-07-30v2022-07-30
A KeyValue Store for BANano on top of IndexedDB B4J
A KeyValue Store for BANano on top of IndexedDB [BANanoKeyStore]
@Mashiane · 2022-07-16v2022-07-16
Simple Guitar Chord Chart with Midi B4J
Simple Guitar Chord Chart with Midi
@stevel05 · 2022-07-12v2022-07-12
B4XCryptFile b4xlib B4AB4IB4J
This library handles Strings and Binary files so you can Encrypt/Decrypt them using AES
@ThRuST · 2022-07-07v2022-07-07
B4XAES Encryption/Decryption b4xlib B4AB4IB4J
Encrypts/decrypts a string using AES (Requires Bouncy Castle)
@ThRuST · 2022-07-04v2.0
B4XPassword b4xlib B4AB4IB4J
Generate random password
@ThRuST · 2022-07-01v1.3
B4x DDD_SL SetTextSizeAndIcon B4J
An additional class for the new designer script feature. It allows replacing the smallest (last) string in the list with an Icon and utilizes code from the original DDD class.
@stevel05 · 2022-06-24v2022-06-24
jServer v4.0 - Based on Jetty 11 B4J
This is a new version of jServer. It is based on Jetty 11.0.9. Previous versions were based on an early version of Jetty 9.
@Erel · 2022-06-21v2022-06-21